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**DISCLAIMER** I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment.
The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. This is a Youtube video for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, Mike MAY have an ownership interest in them — DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Mike’s videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for Mike Vestil. Any use of other media is by fair-use or license only.
https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.
#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil
Here are the top rules to get your money Right how I became a millionaire and how I make over a hundred thousand dollars a Month I mean you can see with just one Of my online businesses we'll put Anywhere from two thousand dollars to Three thousand dollars in a single day All on autopilot so the first rule is Changing where you get your information What do I mean by that establishing your Mom your dad your friends that have Never done anything in life they work Great for that period of your life but Guess what for you to get to the next Level you need to go ahead and change Your surroundings so the first step to Getting your money right is literally Leaving your old friends that are still Stuck talking about the glory ages of High school and college and not doing Any with their life the more you spend Time with those brokeys with those Goobers with those people that aren't Doing anything with your life it's very Hard for you to go ahead and succeed and Get your money right so what I did is The first step is getting rid of all Those people and start spending time With people that actually had their Money right the second step is doing Whatever it takes to go in front of them So what I ended up doing is I took a One-way trip ticket from America to Asia Because I knew there was a bunch of
Multi-millionaires in Thailand and Bali But I needed to spend more time with but Then I started thinking to actually get Out there I literally need to go ahead And build some type of online business That worked remotely which is the third Except to get your money right you need To get some type of cash flow coming in The best way that I did it is literally An online business because I can do this From anywhere in the world and I can Spend most of my time networking with People that actually had the money