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https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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This is why you should travel in your 20s so I had two decisions that I could Make when I was literally in my early 20s it was number one continue the path Of pursuing Dentistry which would have Made my mom and dad happy but would have Slowly destroyed my soul or two say Screw off to literally everyone my Friends my family all the things that They wanted me to do and to take a One-way trip ticket to Asia and I am so Glad that I took a one-way trip ticket To Asia because it literally did so many Things it accidentally made me a Millionaire it made me a bunch of Millionaire friends and allowed me to Live one crazy epic life already in my 20s and this is what you guys got to Realize in your 20s what you need to Spend the most time and money on is Experiences is becoming an interesting Person is getting into the weirdest Situation so you have very charismatic Stories because it's these stories that You have that are some of the most Valuable things that you could do when I Go ahead and go into business events or Masterminds with boring business people And I tell them my crazy stories of Being in like crazy Islands in Thailand They literally are mind blown that I was Able to go out and do that and become Wealthy and Rich and successful it's What makes you attractive to successful
People because while success people Focus most of their time on building a Business living boring life I focus on Becoming an interesting person that Allowed the people that had the results That I wanted into my life and traveling Was the only way that I was able to go Ahead and do that