This is how to build passive income with ChatGPT and 4 ways to make money online in 2023. This method for side hustle or your full time business is so easy but also very effective, learn to work smarter not harder. This is going to be full ChatGPT Tutorial so i highly recommended you to watch this video till end and make sure to subscribe!

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In this video I will show you guys how To make from 4500 up to fifteen thousand Dollars online using chat GPT and AI Tools this method could be actually Solved for a lot of money but I'm going To share with you guys for free because I know a lot of people are going to find It very helpful the only thing that I Ask in return is to press that like Button and subscribe to this YouTube Channel for future AI tools and chat GPT Videos so that is it I don't want to Waste any of your time so let's jump Straight into this video guys so first Of all what you want to do is you want To create your 100 free account on open AI you don't need to worry about paying For anything right now it is 100 free so You want to go and open uh open Ai and Create your account sometimes you can You can experience some problems because Of the high demand so if there is some Crashes happening sometimes it can go Offline for a few minutes or few hours So you don't need to worry about it make Sure to come back later and create your Account Once you create your account on open AI You can actually open chat GPD by Clicking this button right here try chat GPT Now a lot of people already know what Chat GPT is capable of you can ask Different questions you can ask it to

Code for you you can ask it to answer Some stuff or create even content for You to show you guys chat GPT in action I'm going to code the small game just by Using Channel GPT I'm going to say Create small PHP game Or I'm going to say code Small PHP gain And chat GPT is going to do it for me Now as I said sometimes it is going to Have a small delay because of high usage Object GPT right now so you can see what Is happening right now uh chat GPT is Coding small game that I can actually Use in play so you can go and do a lot Of stuff using chat to GPD you can ask Different questions or you can even ask To write poems so that is something that I like to do for fun so I'm going to Stop it right now because it is going to Take some time to code this game so you Can actually go and write for example Create a small poem or a poem about Money or making money online or Something weird so you can actually see How crazy chat GPT is because it can Actually have a lot of Even answers for our wildest questions Or why list requests so that is how you Can use chat GPT but now the question is How you can actually use chat GPT to Make money online so there are tons of Different ways to do it but I want to Show you guys the easiest way so what

You can do is you can go and actually Create YouTube channels and upload Videos or you can go and create videos Using chat GPD and sell it to other People I'm going to show you guys both Ways how to do it so for example if you Go on YouTube and type in top 10 for Example you're going to see there are Tons of different videos with top 10 Videos like top 10 fastest trains or top 10 best airplanes or something like that So there are tons of different ways or Maybe top 10 movies or something like That you can see top 10 for example Movies And you're going to see there are tons Of different uh actual videos and Content about this so what you can Actually do is you can go and ask GPT to Provide you guys with content that you Actually want to upload on your YouTube Channel or to create for someone else or You can sell so what we can actually do Is we can ask kit chat GPT to create Content for us we're going to say top 10 Movies Or comedy movies or something like that And chat GPT is going to actually Provide us with content that we need for Our YouTube channel so you can see it Took a small delay because Ohio usage of Chat GPT but right now you can see it is Providing us with actual content so There are tons of different ways that

You can create content you can create Top 10 videos or you can go and actually Go and create for example health and Fitness videos or how to lose weight for Example Or how to deal with stress or anything Related to any Niche you can go and Create actual content or actual video Using chat to GPT so you want to provide With the right information and help People when they are searching for some Topics like how to lose weight how to Deal with stress how to do something Anything Um actually you can go and create Content on whatever Niche you actually Enjoy so for example if you want to Create Now video from this content what You want to do is you want to use other AI tool that can actually do it for you So there is this software called Victory And I really love this software because You can just go and create from text you Can just copy this text right here and You can paste it in Victory and victory Is going to provide you with right Videos create everything for you so you Can just go and upload your video you're On YouTube or sell it for money So if you want to use Pick 3 I highly Recommend you guys to sign up to a link In the description or in comments Because you're going to have some Bonuses and you are also going to have

Discounts so you can see you can sign up For victory for free But I highly recommend you guys to use a Paid option and I want to show you guys What are the prices because this is Really important you're getting employee For 39 per month and I think that is Really crazy because it can actually Provide you with your videos that you Can sell for for example for 39 per Video or you can actually go and create Your own YouTube videos and make a lot Of money with sponsorships AdSense or For example affiliate marketing so there Are tons of different ways that you can Use Victory to make money online and Treat it like your employee which is Actually crazy so you can see 39 dollars Per month is premium one which I Recommend you can start it for free of Course but I want to show you guys also The downsides if you are using pre free One you can also start of course with 19 Per month if you don't have a lot of Money right now to invest I think Everyone has 40 dollars but if you Actually don't have you can actually go And start for free so you can go right Here and open your free account I'm Going to show you guys how your free Account is going to look like and what Are the downsides so first of all you Want to go with this one once you log in You want to go with this one script to

Video what that means is when you click On proceed you can actually type in Anything right here and victory is going To create video from your text with also The the captions below I'm going to show You guys how this works so we're going To copy top 10 movie Right here And what are we going to do it we're Going to paste it back in Victory and we Can also put the name of the video so we Are going to say top 10 comedy movie Again this is just an example you can do It with with whatever you actually wish For so what you want to do now is you Want to go and click on proceed Now you're going to get asked which Template you want to use because you Want to for example have black and white Text or you have a color text or Something like that so there are tons of Different options that you can choose The one that I like are first free but You can actually choose whatever you Wish for because all of them are Beautiful so I'm going to select this First one because it is the easiest one To click right now so you can choose Also if you want to create for example Tick Tock videos or YouTube short videos Or just regular YouTube videos if you Want to regular one you want to go on Left one if you want to create YouTube Shorts or Tick Tock videos or Pinterest

Videos you want to go with the second And third one so I'm going to create Normal videos so I'm going to click on This one and click on continue now of Course it is going to take some time for Victory to create my video because They're going to collect all the data That we gave them and they're also going To provide us with the right videos so It is going to take some time and you Can see it is finished And the problem with free version is You're going to have watermarks that is Something that I actually don't like so You can go now and play your video see How it looks like you can see the the Related videos are found and put in the Background and you have also the text Right here so you can go and click on Preview the video and there before we Preview the video I want to show you Guys also different options that you can Use so there are options that you can go And put a voiceover that is reading your Text while playing the video so you want To go and click on audio and you can Also put the background music which I Actually like so I would like to have Some background music you're not going To get copyright strikes or something Like that don't worry about that and you Have over 15 000 tracks available For your video so you can choose Whatever track you actually like I'm

Going to play if you want just to show You guys how it looks like Or you can go with this one for example Apply on whatever video you like and Then you want to click on voiceover Right here and you can choose different Voices that you want to read your script Now most of them are English right now But in the future maybe they're going to Have other languages I'm not 100 sure About that so we're going to see so you Can go number three it has been shown That video in welcome to Victory it has Been shown that video increases Conversion rates by welcome to Victory It has been shown that video increases Conversion rate so you can see you have A male female child and so on to read Your script now when you're done with Creating your video you want to go and Click on preview and you can actually See how your video looks like so I'm Going to mute it right now and you're Going to have voiceover that is reading Your text you're going to have this Beautiful images and videos in the Background but the only problem is this As I said you're going to have this Watermark which is not actually but the Best one best thing to have on your YouTube videos because it is not going To look very professional so I think 39 Or 19 per month you for the software is Actually a steal so that is just me you

Can use free one if you want you can do Whatever you wish so we have already Created let's say a few minute video With you can see two minutes video in 20 Seconds with just few clicks and this This can be done with almost any Niche You can go and ask top you can ask five Ways to lose weight And of course uh what is going to happen Is chargpt is going to answer it for you Or you want to ask it what is the best Way to deal with stress it is going to Answer your questions you're going to Get content just straight up from chat GPT Now I want to show you guys if you Create YouTube videos for example how to Lose weight I want to show you guys how You can monetize it because AdSense is Not the best way to do it so how you can Actually make money from this so you can Go there are different ways that you can Go with this you can go on offer wall Now what is offer Vault this is a Website where you can go and browse all Over the web and find affiliate products That you can actually sell to the people That are interested in different topics So if you create weight loss videos you Want to go and search right here for Weight loss and what is going to happen Is you're going to find tons of Different videos related on how to lose Weight and you can also see payout right

Here for each sale this is amount of Money that you're going to earn and if You don't know what is affiliate Marketing it is basically selling other People's products for commission so Whenever someone buys the product you're Going to get uh you're going to get a Cut from that sale so for example this Product costs 250 dollars your payout Per sale is 160 dollars so that is just An example Next thing that you can use as your Affiliate platform is ClickBank now if You're my follower you already know About ClickBank this is one of the Largest networks that you can go and Find different products to sell it to Your customers now you don't of course Need to pay for anything you can just go On create your free Account and once you are logged in I Want to show you guys what you can do so Once you're logged in you're going to See a page that looks like this And you can go for example with top Offers you can see there are over 2 322 Different products in every single Niche That you can imagine that you can Actually promote to your viewers now There are tons of different niches art And entertainment business investing Computers eBay business and so on so you Can see tons of different niches that You can jump jump in and promote now for

Example this first one is the biggest Product right now on ClickBank that I Have actually promoted before and this Is health and fitness now this is how to Lose weight product and you can see also How much money you can make per Conversion this means whenever someone Buys the product from you you're going To earn 141.50 For each person on average so that is How much money you can expect to make From each customer now if you for Example create weight loss products People that watch those those weight Loss products are going to be highly Interested in the products that you're Trying to promote so that is the reason Why conversion rate is high for selling These products for so for example for Each 1000 people if you get one sale You're going to earn 141 dollars but if You only monetize your videos with AdSense you're going to earn for example For 1000 sales in weight loss Niche Around from eight dollars to fourteen Dollars so you can see why it is much Better to use affiliate marketing to Monetize your products now I want to Show you guys how you can also make Money with this method because you don't Actually need to sell the products you Can actually sell the videos using Victory so what you can do right now is

You can go on Fiverr and you can create One 100 free fiber your account and you Can see for example YouTube video And you're going to see that there is Tons of different videos that are Creating you can see top 10 faceless Cash Cow videos so they're creating Content for other people for their YouTube channels now you can go and do Also this with the software and this Method that I have just shown you guys And I want to show you guys also this Guy that is using the victory to make His videos and you can see how Successful he is you can see that he's Making professional top down videos for YouTube and you can see he has over 750 positive feedback so five star Rating which is actually the maximum one So he probably has got over a thousand Sales probably over 10 000 sales but I'm Not going to say that but let's say he Has over 1000 sales on this gig that Actually was made with Victory you can See it is the same video that I have Shown you guys how to make you can see There he's using same template you can See right here I want to go back on Victory you can see it is the same Template same concept everything same So I want to show you guys how you can Do this so you can also go and sell it For example for ten dollars for a five Minute video and script so you can see

If someone provides you the script you Can create five minutes a video for him For ten dollars so you can just go copy The script go back in Victory put your Video put your script and let Victory Create your video Now this is going to cost ten dollars But if someone wants uh you to create a Content and put voice over and I also Show you guys how you can put voiceover Using victory that is going to cost Twenty dollars and they want premium one Uh with script and everything based on The video 35 so usually people are going To choose this second one or third one They're not going to choose this 10 run Because it doesn't make any sense so Let's say people only buy this 20 run And let's say he only has uh he only has A thousand sales but you can see right Now in orders he has five sales so he Probably has over 10 000 sales but let's Say he has only 1000 sales 20 that is Twenty thousand dollars earned just from One gig on making videos for other People so you can see how easily this Can add up and how you can make a lot of Money using AI so that is one of the Ways also how you can go and make fast Money you just need to go create account On Fiverr and post all of your gigs what Are you going to do for other people and They're going to buy it from you so that Is it for today's video guys if you have

Any questions feel free to ask in Comments down below also make sure to Like this video And subscribe if you Want to support me for making this free Course on how to make money using chat GPT and also AI tools thank you guys for Watching see you soon and bye

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