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Here's how to not take things personally Now when I was younger I would always Take things personally someone go ahead And laugh and I was like oh this person Doesn't like me or someone goes ahead And doesn't invite me to this thing and I would take this personally and every Single time someone did something I for Some reason would take things personally And it literally ruins your life when You take things personally you allow the World and the environment to go ahead And become reactive to it but you can't Create anything when you're constantly Reacting to that environment you Literally become an animal you don't use Your logical brain you don't use your Power that you actually have over the Environment that you could actually go Out and create and when you become Reactive to everything you literally do Not live the best life that you could Possibly do so what I do is I don't take Anything personally because I know that One day I'm gonna go ahead and die would I rather feel this uh this this pain of Of rejection or fear or failure for a Little bit and then I could go ahead and Become successful or would I rather feel Nothingness for eternity when you Understand that life is short you do not Have time to waste to go ahead and take Things personally

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