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Man there's two types of girls in life There's the girls that you take Seriously the ones that maybe could be Mother material the ones that you want To go ahead and build a long-term Relationship with and they're the ones That you probably shouldn't because if You did it would probably end up very Very bad [Music] Now the problem with most people Especially meat right when I was younger Is I was addicted to all the red flags Like how many guys right now be honest As you're watching this are addicted to The red flags you see a girl doing all These things you know red flag red flag Red flag red flag but you don't care Because for some reason the red flag is Very attracted to you and and for some Reason earlier on yeah I was very Attractive or attracted to the red flags I'm like oh my God this person did X and Y and Z and look at that she's so fun And she drinks she she parties all the Time and that's some fun I want I want To go and spend more time with her and And we just think the most stupidest Thoughts when we're younger right that That's essentially what I did and now Obviously as I you know become more Successful as I go ahead and attract More wealth in my life I start realizing Actually as I grow more successful the
Last thing that I want to build a Long-term relationship with is someone That has all these red flags so if You're in the same situation you're like Okay well I don't want to make the same Dumb mistakes as you made in your Relationship Mike what do you need to go Ahead and do well this is very simple And there every single date that I have When I go ahead and go out with a girl I Simply find out her Dynamics with her Parents now this is one of the most Important things that you need to have Not just with for example women in General but people in general because What you find people learn how to treat Other people based off of the lessons That they've learned from their parents Why is that because that is the first Relationship that we've ever had in our Entire life your relationship to your Father your relationship to your mother Their relationship with each other Essentially taught you how to have Relationships with people now if you had A bad model when you were younger and You saw them fight and argue and Constantly hurt each other guess what Guess what your mental model of a Relationship is is hurting one another And you really need to go ahead and ask This when you go ahead and go on dates So normally when people go ahead and go On dates they're like oh yeah what's
Your what what's your what are you doing In school what do you what do you go Cool The first question that I really have When they go ahead and sit down and We're at this nice dinner place and I'm Like I'm doing all these things and I'm Just like okay uh what's your Relationship with your mother like What's your relationship with your Father like number one that allows you To build a deeper connection because Most of times you know the people that You go on dates with they were never Asked this ever before number two really Get a peek into their world and it Builds a closer connection right so Again there's two most important Relationships are their mother and their Father was the father strict was he Conservative uh was he you know very you Know protective of her right was the Mother very feminine was she wearing Nice was she kind was she good at Cooking right ask them what their most Beautiful memories was of their mother And their father you got to go ahead and Paint that picture right and when you go Ahead and start understanding the the Male and female Dynamics in this Person's mind you start seeing exactly You know who they are and who they will Become maybe ask them how did your Parents argue how did they how did they
Fight are they separate are they still Together right all these things is what This person was taught on how to Actually act when a conflict actually Happens does that make sense the next Thing that I also ask is do you drink a Lot when was the last time you were Drunk do you party every single week I Do this little joke because And I always ask like oh uh like do you Like getting drunk all the time maybe Every single day yeah let's go ahead and Drink vodka every single day I just want To see what this person's reaction is Because it's like yeah let's go ahead And do that red flag red flag I can't Take that seriously I literally can't Take girls that go ahead and party and Go to the clubs seriously because if I Go ahead and date her that behavior Won't change it's harder to change Someone's Behavior than it is to find Someone who naturally has the behavior That it is that you want and if you Think about it if I'm trying to find Like the mother of my future children Right I'm not looking for someone to Change their behavior or stop going to The clubs every single you know day Right because when she has kids and She's used to that behavior guess what She's going to want to go to do go to The Cubs every single day guess what my Future son or daughter is gonna think oh
Mom's going out to the clubs every Single day maybe I should go ahead and Drink every single day again the Behaviors of our parents become the Behaviors of our children right our Parents behaviors became our behaviors Our behaviors will come our future Children's behaviors so again you really Need to go ahead and ask all these Questions another thing that I like Asking is how many times were you in Love right how many times were you in Love why do I ask this question well It's a very simple question because you Could also kind of see how many partners This person kind of has without really Asking them how many partners that They've had now this is very interesting Because for certain types of people the More partners that you have the the Harder it is to actually build some type Of bond because it's very easy to just You know instead when things get hard When things become challenging it's Easier for this person go ahead and just Find somebody else because again past Habits will dictate future habits Future be haviors right so again many Times if this person says oh I've been In love like 10 times 20 times ah it Might be a little bit too late right but You know for me I I look for people that Maybe have been deeply like deeply Deeply deeply in love maybe once twice
Twice in their life twice in their life Because what you got to understand Between every single falling in love and Falling out of love is trauma okay every Sometimes someone falls in love and Every single time falls out of love That's a piece of trauma so if someone Goes ahead and asks oh I've been in love Three four five times I don't think of All of those beautiful love experiences I think of the three four five times This person has experienced trauma and Is now going to bring all that Trauma From past relationships into this Relationship that we're gonna go ahead And create and I just don't have the Time for that I literally don't have the Time for that right another thing is if This person's traveled a lot right I Like asking oh where have you traveled To if they've been to like Dubai Mykonos Oh I've been to you know Ibiza red flag I'm thinking okay well who took you There who took like each one of those Trips is probably a relationship that That you're not telling me about right Each one of those trips was probably a Crazy up and maybe a crazy down because Guess what you're you're not going to Those anymore so something must have Happened with that relationship of that Person that actually brought you there Right every single time I hear that I'm like ah I don't really
Like someone that traveled a lot because What what most people don't understand Is the thing that's really most you know Inspirational to a man is the ability to Go ahead and see the world through the Eyes of these women that have actually Hasn't seen the world before right now It's another thing if I go ahead and Bring someone to for example Bali and I've lived there for four years but then She knows and navigates the place better Than me right like how can I go ahead And experience it through her eyes if She's already experienced it does that Make sense and again these are just Things is that you need to go ahead and Be aware of when you are picking a Partner right this is the difference Between someone that's a short-term Thing and someone that is a long-term Thing and you really need to start Thinking about this because the worst Thing you could possibly ever do is take A short-term thing and try making her a Long-term thing or the other way around Taking a long-term thing that has Long-term potential and causing a lot of Trauma because you want her to be a Short-term thing and that's kind of like The funniest joke about relationships And that's exactly what ends up Happening many of these women want Long-term things want long-term things And then they get burnt out because some
Guy caused trauma into her life and Actually wants a bunch of short-term Things and all these guys that are high Level they want you know long-term Things but all these women have already Been burnt out because of the fact that They experience so much trauma where now All these women just want short-term Things so you have all these values that Are very very conflicting and again it Doesn't matter if it's relation between Men and women or business or anything a Relationship only works long term if Both parties have the same values and if You have someone that wants a long-term Relationship with long-term values Doesn't matter if it's a man or woman And you always match them up with Someone who has short-term values it Doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man It will never work out and the more time You spend with these people that have Different values the more you are Wasting your life the more life you're Wasting when you can't get back the more Time that you were literally throwing Away into the bin that you cannot get Back because you think oh we we like Each other oh we're so passionate it Doesn't matter you are wasting your time The only way you can actually build a Long-term relationship with anybody is Share certain types of values and this Is why I ask questions on what's your
Relationship with your mom like what's Your relationship with your dad like Doesn't matter if it's with a woman or Or man that I want to do business with All these things will show you a glimpse Into their reality on how they should Treat other people and again I ask these All of the time and they've saved me so Much time because I know exactly how People act when challenging situations Will come and I'll know exactly the People that I want to bring in my life And the people that I do not want to Bring into my life does that make sense And obviously if you just want to go Ahead and make money so that you can Have the time to go ahead and actually Think well what relationships do I want In life because that's where I'm at Right now right I literally just focus On money now I have the freedom so then I'm like okay well now I have the Freedom what type of relationships do I Actually want in my life if you need Help to just fixing the money part that Makes you sign up for this week sure Below check out this video in this Podcast studio and I'll see you guys Later Everything [Music]