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https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.

#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil

Any person that makes less money than You literally get rid of them it's best If your goal is to get rich to become a Millionaire to make more money if that Is honestly your number one goal and you Want to take it seriously you would Literally get rid of all of your friends All of your family members that are Making less money than you because Here's the thing I'm not telling you to Hate on them I'm not telling them to get Rid of them forever I'm telling you you Becoming the best version of yourself You need to kind of get rid of the Anchors of all the people that have Reminded you of who you used to be Brands family members all the people to Remind you of someone of who you are you Need to get rid of them for a small time Being because every single time you grow They're going to remind you that you're Not that person when you want to be that Person if you really want to go out and Make more money you need to go and Change your personality your personality Will dictate your personal reality and It's harder to make money by not Changing it's harder to make money when You're staying the same and the fast way To not say the same is to get rid of Your Social Circle for just a small Amount of time make a bunch of money and Then when you make a bunch of money and You're more successful then you can go

Back to your friends and be like hey Guys I'm successful let's party

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