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So one of the things that made me very Successful in life is knowing exactly How to add value into somebody's life [Music] Doing that is very important because it Doesn't matter if you're trying to go Ahead and for example start a business With someone or get into like a Relationship with someone knowing how to Add value is exactly what allows the Other person actually want to keep you In to their life now there's many Different ways that someone could go at It and add value and I can do it in many Different angles so you could understand That there's values for example where You have no money and you find someone With money and they don't owe you Anything like they literally don't owe You anything they could go ahead and Start a business with somebody else they Don't have to give you an opportunity so Why would someone with more money with More time with more resources give Someone like me when I was first getting Started out actual their time update Actually helped me out was because I Found a very very specific part a pain Point in their life where I could add Value say if they wanted to go ahead and Blow up on social media but they weren't Good at camera right but they wanted This as a big goal in their life you Know they could actually go ahead and
Not focus on it I could come in and just Give them value give my time my Resources and help them actually grow on Social social media and that was Actually one of the first times that I Started meeting mentors in life because I found people that had everything else But other than a social media presence And here was I some guy that just came From America traveling around Backpacking in Thailand and Asia and Just giving these multi-millionaires Value so that now they want to have more Time with me so that's one way right When you want to go ahead and for Example build a relationship with Someone more successfully than you Another one isn't Just Like Loving Relationships right so for example as a Man how does a man add value to a woman Well it's very simple nowadays because Most men are weak so what you have to do To add value to a woman is just not be Weak don't be like most of the guys in The west don't be like most of the guys That are constantly victims not working On themselves not becoming the best Versions of themselves because how you Add value to a woman is you focus on Becoming the best version of yourself so Much for the that you create so much Abundance in your life where now you're Just giving to the people around you You're creating opportunities where you
Are creating special memories for the People that are close to you right so How you add value to women as a man is Literally focus on becoming the best Version of yourself Health focus on Bringing more money into your life focus On gaining more powerful connections Focus on building networks and Connections with people with influence With social media followings become very Powerful in a situation where there's no Other better option for her right and Again it's not that hard because you see Most people in the west you see most men In the west they are constantly Complaining they're constantly weak they Constantly don't want to be the man they Constantly don't want to lead they don't Want to go ahead and build a life that's Actually epic and rather they would Rather settle for a nine-to-five job for The rest of their life and not actually Build an epic life worth talking about Worth writing about worth making movies And films about right so that's one way If you are a man and you want to add Value into the men in your life and the Women in your life you have to focus on Becoming yourself and becoming the best Version of yourself to becoming stronger And more dangerous as a man right now if You're a women and you want to go ahead And for example add value into a man's Life because it could be very different
Most women are like okay well I'm Listening to this advice too I want to Go ahead and become the best version of My myself but sometimes they mistake This for you know for example chasing a Career and what happens when most women Start chasing a career too much and I Found this when I go ahead and you know Do spiritual events in Bali and in Spain And all these things is I'll see women That focus on becoming the best version Of themselves which is good but then They focus too much on the career side Which is good and bad it doesn't matter But you need to understand long-term Wise what what effects will this Actually play and again I can't tell you From my experience because I'm not a Woman but I could go ahead and tell you From the experience of the women that I Met in these spiritual events in these In these like for example events where People go to because they focus on their Career for their entire life and they Find out that they're not strong by the Love and family that they wanted to when They're older as many of these women in Their 30s and 40s were kind of angry at The fact that they chased a career they Made six figures they made Seven figures They made a lot of money but for some Reason they could only attract a man That is weaker than them like really Think about this many of the women
Friends that I met because I have a lot Of really close friends like for example In Bali that you know make really good Money With their business as a woman for some Reason every single one of them is in a Relationship with a man that is weaker Than them now think about that it's not Just like oh one person two people no Like every single woman that I know that Makes a lot of money they cannot keep a Relationship with a man that makes more Money than them the relationship that They can keep and maintain is with a man That is genuinely weaker than them many Of the times these men work in their Businesses and you can see it in their Eyes where even though for example they Love each other and they're together and They do all the cute social media Pictures on Instagram many of them are Still underneath the women and the women Know subconsciously that she doesn't Like that that's why like for example Like whenever I go ahead and hang out Some of these these these people I can See and sense their attraction towards Me and my friends where we're making More money where we're focusing on Becoming the best version of ourselves Because there is some type of different Dynamics where it's like for example Masculine and feminine energy right but Again the women that Focus so much on
Their career it's hard for them to keep And maintain a man and many times that The man that they go ahead and attract Is a weaker man right so then they go Ahead and go to these Tantra events and Like why why can't I find the love of my Life why can't I go ahead and do Something and many times it's because They do not know that they've made the Wrong decision in their early 20s in Their late teenage years you know There's so many so many ways that were Influenced right in those youth years Where it's like the music on the Internet or or people like for example Rapping in pop culture all these songs All these movies all these books that Are coming out all these TV series They're painting this wrong picture in The mind of oh actually if you want to Live like a long happy successful life You got to go ahead and Chase your Career right so then you see all these Women focusing on a career focusing on Doing all those things and then they're In their like 30s and they're like okay I got my career I got my income Now Where's the dream man well the dream man Doesn't want to go ahead and really you Know like do that if man is folks if the Dream man right I saw this video the Other day and like these girls were Essentially saying they're dreaming what Is the dream in the dream man is someone
That's over six feet tall right someone That makes more than six figures a year Someone that is actually in a good shape Not fat not obese uh someone that for Example has their time someone that's Athletic someone that could protect them What what no one really understands is That is like what women don't understand Is that is literally not even one Percent of the the world population that Is 0.001 out of the entire world's Population right and unmarried right so If you really think about that you have All these women they're like okay They're being told okay chase the career Chase you know the the the the nice job Chase all these things instead of for Example chasing uh like a family right Chasing a family to be surrounded by Like to be like the grandma where you're Surrounded by like all these grandkids Right you have the society culture Telling all these women to go ahead and For example do this and then now they're In their 30s they have the job they have The career they have all the diplomas And they're like okay now I want not the Top one percent man but the top 0.001 man to go ahead and you know give Me kids and marry me and all of these Things right Well understand that is already a very Very very very very very very small
Fraction of men that actually exists That literally actually exist but like And you could actually see for example Because I live in Eastern Europe right And in Eastern Europe there's all of These beautiful women and they all end Up with just like an average and Mediocre looking guy right which is an Average mediocre guy with an average Mediocre job with an average mediocre Lifestyle Why because there's a lot more beautiful Women in the world than there are high Status valuable men right and you now Have like for example this Western Culture is like oh no it chasing the Career Chase all the status and it's Exactly the same thing that's happening To the women that I met at the Tantra Events where they chased that and now They're in the 30s and 40s wondering why Why can't I find a strong man right It's because of this concept right so For a woman to go ahead and add value to A man she needs to understand okay well What type of man does she wants because The way that she adds value to a weak Average mediocre man which is what most Men are out there in the world compared To you know like not even the top one Percent but the top 0.001 percent of men That is you know for example in a good Shape that is not obese that is making a Lot of money that is traveling that has
Powerful friends that has influenced Friends is she needs to find a way to Literally either number one save him More time right so right now for example I do a lot in business I focus on Literally not only becoming the best Version of myself but making more money Right so my time is very valuable so the Other day for example I went to you know Disneyland and I had the option should I Go into the regular line where all the Normal people went where I had to wait An hour of my life for like a 30 second Ride or would I just spend a little bit More money And just go ahead and go to the premium Line where there's no line and I can Spend a little bit more money now I Don't have to wait but I get gain all That time back what the women don't Understand between the average men and The very successful man is the time is More valuable to the successful man the Average man who's not doing anything With his life of course he doesn't take Much to make him happy because his time Isn't that valuable right it's either He's working at a job that he hates or He's drinking or he's sitting at home Getting fat watching TV that's it so for A woman to just be beautiful that's Already valuable to the man but for Example for for a man that's like for Example high level beauty is very common
Especially if you can travel around the World you can find beauty anywhere Especially in Eastern Europe there's a Lot of beauty Asia there's a lot of Beauty South America there's a lot of Beauty but how can you then come up to This man and save him time right because If time is valuable to the man and you Want him to for example become the best Version of himself right you need to Find a way to save him more time so how Can you go and do that I don't know like I have a lot of things I'm doing in my Business right and I know the thing that I need to focus on the most that will Bring in the most money Was me literally going ahead clicking Record talking out of my butt and Talking to the camera why because when I Go ahead and live a life And I learned these lessons from Challenges and mistakes that I made in The past I could go ahead and share that To people so they don't have to actually Go ahead and relive my mistakes for some Reason people find that very valuable For some reason people listen to this Watch this and then give me a lot of Money so if I go ahead and do that then I should be focused on that so for Example if the woman sees that like okay This is what my man's doing right now How can I go ahead and save him time Anything that is not related to me doing
That would already be value That would already be values that not Not that difficult if she wants a crazy Amazing life and she sees me realizing Okay well how he's gonna make the most Money is literally just creating as much Content as possible everything else that Is not that would literally be value Into my life does that make sense well What else how about making money okay so Let's let's go break over things on how You add value to to a guy's life not Just a guy but like the top one percent And again I even do this for example for My mentors how can I save them time Because I know if their time is valuable And I save them time they can make more Money does that make sense another one Is just like directly creating more Money for them right like I have friends Who are dating women for some reason They're all Ukrainian for some reason I Don't know I don't know why for some Reason all my successful friends seem to Be dating Ukrainian women because they Understand this it's in their culture It's in their it's in their genes it's In like for example their their culture Lives in Dubai he's dating a Ukrainian Woman and this Ukrainian woman found a Way to be in his business where the Actions that she does in his business Makes him an extra half a million Dollars a year now think about that you
Have beautiful women right and there's So many beautiful women all over the World but now you're this beautiful Woman who's not just beautiful but also Found a way to save my friend's time And not always save my friend's Time by Helping him with all like the the Logistics and all these things but Actually found a way to make him an Extra half a million dollars a year Right again that's another value added How do you go ahead and add value to People you save them time you make them More money okay what's the third one It's giving them more energy right I have this like for example with my Mentors there's all these people that Wanted to take from them right rich People rich people people just want to Come into their life and just take and Take and take you want to take money They want to take time they want to take Attention they want to take resources They want to take energy right so what I Did is I was like okay well everyone To these people that make a lot of money Want to take from them what if I just Gave them energy what does that actually Mean by that uh be just a good person to Go around if everyone's complaining in Their life constantly adding them Problems how can you be the person that Not only takes away their problems but Actually gives them more energy right
Like that's why generally I'm just a fun Happy-go-lucky guy to go ahead and spend Time with because when people spend time With me they naturally feel better about Themselves and in terms of a woman it's The exact same thing right for example Many of the women that I know that made Six figure businesses seven figure Businesses that wonder why can't I find A strong man well here's the thing when The strong guy that makes more money Than you comes home And you start arguing with him does that Give him more energy does that take away More energy really really think about it Right if you're focusing on your Business as a woman and he's focusing on His business as a man and you guys come Back home and you still are focusing on About business when the man just wants To relax because he's been under Fire The entire day focusing on you know Challenges building and scaling with Marketing and sales and all these things And building the teams and putting out Fires do you think the thing that he Wants to come back home to is someone That he could talk business with no he Wants someone who could literally go Ahead and almost force him to relax Because think about a man's brain is It's always go go go go go go go go go Go go go go go go go go go go go go go Go go go go go I could literally go
Ahead and create and build for years and And just blink and that could all go Just away just years of my life just go Away right and there's something that Naturally happens when you literally Just go home to a woman that's just Naturally feminine that naturally wants To take care of you that naturally wants To go ahead and for example cook and Clean and help you out right uh it's This National energy that that is very How do you say Motivating for men but most women are Like oh no that's weak I don't want to Be weak I want to be independent and Again that is just all new think right This was all started literally in the Past 50 years when movies and TV screens And and music started romanticizing this Idea right of oh woman has to go ahead And chase their career they need to go Out and chase you know this this thing Right they have to climb up the Corporate ladder but again I'm telling You this not because I'm a woman that's Experiencing this but because I've met Countless amounts of women that they Were told this story this narrative this Line they pursued it 10 to 20 years of Their life happened And now they're telling me that they're Unhappy right so again at the end of the Day we only have so much life to live And there's certain big decisions that
You need to make that can either make or Break your entire life the biggest Decision for me was actually not Listening to the mainstream narrative And realizing actually instead of me Listening to the mainstream narrative as A man which is go to school get your Grades get a job what if I just didn't Listen to anybody else because no one Else has what I want and what if I just Listened to the people that are Successful all the men that I knew that Were successful they were like okay well I don't want to do this this that I want To go and make a bunch of money so if I Wanted to be like them then I had to Just do the exact same thing but women It's exact same thing women are getting Advice from other women But these women don't have the Relationships that this woman actually Wants does that make sense that's like Someone who doesn't make a lot of money Like for example my college professor Who only makes sixty thousand dollars a Year that's like him teaching me how to Make millions From someone that has never had that and Now you have all these women that are Being taught how to have a successful Relationship from women who don't have a Successful relationship and this is the Exact same thing in anything in life Whoever is giving you advice
You have to look at this person and you Have to honestly ask yourself does this Person actually have the life that I Want if someone's giving me relationship Advice as a man right As a man he's like oh you should do this With your girl if I'm looking at the man And I don't want his relationship why Would I listen to him like I can't tell You so many times right I was like Dating this girl right I was dating this Girl uh it was like several years ago And we had like some type of conflict so I asked my friend worst thing ever to do Especially if they don't have the Results that you want I was like what Should I do and my friend gave me the Worst advice the worst advice he was Like oh man you should just you know Like happy wife happy life you know you Just gotta give her what it is that she Wants right and I started looking at him And I was like bro your relationship is Horrible and if this is what you've been Doing for years and this is the end Result of your relationship I should Actually do the opposite of what you say Like really really think about it Whoever is giving you advice before you Actually do it you got to look at them And see the results do you want what That is that they want so for me I only Listen from guys that actually have the Relationship that I that I want right my
Friend in Dubai where he's dating a Beautiful girl where not only does he Save him more time but he's also making Him an extra half a million dollars a Year right that's very valuable for a Man that's 0.001 right like really Really think about that right I'm gonna Go ahead and take advice from that it's The exact same thing for a woman right I I have for example let's say uh my Cousin right I have a cousin She's like oh I gotta go ahead and and Chase his career because I saw this Podcast I saw this TV show I saw these Women empowered and talking about you Know ways to make money and they don't Need a man and and they're doing all These cool things right And she's listening to them And I'm like do they have the Relationship that you want like what are The types of men that they're dating do They look excited about the men that They're dating or are they completely Walking over the man because he's Completely weak now if you want their Relationship then listen to them if you Don't want the relationship why would You even entertain that idea now the Problem with most women is they don't Have an idea of what typical type of Relationship that they want because they Don't have good mental models right they Don't have you know a bunch of
Successful guys around them because they Don't exist there's not that many right And in terms of women most of the women That they know are dating men that are Losers so if if most of for example a Girl if most of her friends are girls That are dating loser friends or loser Guys and they're giving her advice on How to date up 0.001 men None of that advice applies because say This girl listens to her friends who has Loser boyfriends And her friend's like oh no do this do That do this do that if the girl listens To her friends that have loser Boyfriends two things are gonna happen Number one the man's gonna become weak Because that's what happens right she Listens to her girlfriends who has loser Boyfriends so she's gonna become more Like them and the guy has no other Option but to either number one become Weak which is what happens in most of The case or two leave and she loses that Man so again I think the the moral of This idea in this story is to really Consciously be aware of where you're Getting advice from like where are you Getting advice from and does that person Have what you want do they have the Money that you want great listen to them If they don't and they're giving you Advice don't listen to them do they have The relationships that you want if they
Do not have the relationships that you Want if you look at the person that They're dating and you're like I would Never date that person that person is Not for me and they're telling you Advice And you listen to them that's probably One of the dumbest things you could ever Do guys but obviously one of the things That helped me Especially to actually understand all This was swim back my time how I won Back my time was building some type of Online business and then when I started Winning back my time I started realizing Wow there's all these things that I Didn't know about in life because they Don't want you to think about it because What the world and Society wants you to Do is to be stuck in this job that you Hate where you don't have time to think Where you're so stressed so that all you Have to do at the end of the day is just Drink alcohol so you don't have to think And then you blink and then you're six Years old you're fat you're depressed You're in a relationship that you don't Like and you wonder where the hell did All the time go how I went back my time Is of course building something online And if you want to know the fast way That we do that make sure you sign up For this week's free Workshop check this Video this podcast video and I'll see
You guys later Everything [Music]