How My Personal Brand Makes $100k/mo Passively:

Here’s how to get coaching clients on Instagram as a complete beginner

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#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil

Here's how many coaching clients on Instagram as you can see right here poop 5 000 followers in a single day also Boop five thousand to ten thousand Dollars in Revenue a day thanks to the Added bonus and extra traffic that we Literally got from Instagram now here's The thing I didn't think this was Actually possible like literally just Several months ago I thought that Instagram was more used as a dating app Than it was to actually get clients but Then you know I just want to go ahead And test it out because I saw other People making money and I was kind of Angry because I was like well how are Other people making money with Instagram And I'm just using Instagram just as a Dating app and I just wanted to go ahead And test it out my only problem was I Just didn't understand the platform I Didn't understand how to get found I Didn't understand how people will Actually find me and not only that buy For me and again it was just the hardest Thing because when you ever try Something new you kind of feel a bit Overwhelmed you're like well you know What I want to go to get started with This because I know someone else is Making money but you don't know the Entire step-by-step process but one Thing that I did know is if I just put a Sheer amount of quantity into it I could

Figure it out I could literally figure It out and this is like my mindset with Anything you know it's like most people Are so lazy though well I want to go Ahead and make money with Instagram or I Want to get clients with Instagram and Then you know someone tells them exactly What it is that they did to make money And get more clients with Instagram and They're like oh you know what yeah let Me go and try it out and no one ever Actually does it like no one ever does It so in October of last year I was like You know what I'm gonna go ahead and Figure out this Instagram thing I saw These reels kind of like blowing up and I didn't know what reels were I didn't Want to spend all my time doing like This little Tick Tock Instagram real Dance it's just like looks freaking Silly on Instagram and I just knew that I want to go ahead and create content That resonated with me that I just Enjoyed talking about that I just you Know resonated with because if I Resonated with certain things then other People who resonate with those things Can find me so essentially what I ended Up doing As I talk to all the people old clients People that have given money in the past People that have actually spent money With me and I just listened to what it Was that they complained about because

If they gave me money in the past in Other platforms and I hear what they Complain about if I just talk about Those things based off of my experience And my transformation and how I learn Things from Health with love and Happiness I can attract more of them From the ethers of Instagram does that Make sense like Instagram is just kind Of like uh a projection of who you are Onto social media and then to bring more People like you that have similar values As you that have similar old problems That you had that you transformed and Actually got a result that they want It's kind of like this marketing magnet To attract people who are like your old Self to you and once I understood this I'm like okay let me just talk about all These things that all these people that Have given me money in the past Essentially had specific pain points so I kid you not 30 to 60 pain points I was Writing every single day I was like Listening to conversations I was like Talking to all the people that you know Uh gave me money in the past I was Talking to the people around me because A lot of the people that I surround Myself around are people that have given Me money in the past to help them with Like for example services and again I Would hear them complain about the Relationships I would comply hear them

Complain about their business about like Their health everything and I was Realizing oh wow they wanted to go ahead And get X Y and Z result to solve their Either health problem they're either Relationship problem or either their Money problem so even though I'm like in One Niche for example teaching people How to make more money in business a lot Of those people that want to go ahead And make money with business they want To go ahead and do it to fix their Relationships or to not work a job so That they could actually get a better Health right but it's also very dynamic As well it's like people that want to go Ahead and get better at dating they want To go ahead and do that because maybe They don't feel confident like in their Health or maybe they want to focus on Their Fitness just so that they could Get a girlfriend right and actually all Of these things are just stemmed from Our biological urge to mate and a lot of It right especially men everything that We do for making more money to getting In a really good shape is essentially to Go and attract a girl that we're Attracted to right so it's all kind of Pretty biological and pretty pretty Historic and pretty pretty my Rory deal I just made up a freaking word But I started just creating a bunch of Content every single day 30 to 60 reels

Every single day clicking record having Notes on my phone on all of the people's Pain points that essentially they had And one by one I was just pumping it I Had no idea this was gonna work I just Knew that if I created enough content Based off of what clients and people That have given me money in the past Were complaining about if I just made a Bunch of content about ranting about all Those things then I could attract more Of those people does that make sense and Every single time I clicked on record Instead of me thinking I'm talking to a Camera I'm literally thinking I'm Talking to either a friend that has Given me money in the past or somebody That was like an old client and I Literally am talking to the camera and Yelling to the camera as if I'm talking To this person saying hey man you got to Go and do x y and z now when I did that I did 30 to 60 reels every single day For just a month and a half why did I do That because I wanted to commit to a Year on it I wanted to grow on Instagram For a year I want to go and get clients From Instagram for a year but the Problem with most people is they think Short term they're like oh I made a real I made a post it doesn't work and they Just give up like idiots they don't Commit to something long-term and I knew When any skills in Life or any successes

In life is sticking to something long Term if I want to get good at basketball I can't just like go ahead and practice One day and be amazing no it takes time If I want to get good in a really good Shape I'm not just gonna go ahead and go To the gym for an hour and expect that That's going to be life-changing results It's consistent habit over and over and Over and over again that actually gets The results that is that you want does That make sense But for me I don't want to spend all of My time making reels every single day I Got stuff to do right and again it's Like most people are busy they want to Know that they want to get into reels They want to go and start getting Traction with Instagram and getting Clients but they got a business to run They got they got like model this is a Fee they got other things that they have To go to do so I thought okay I'm just Going to sacrifice one month if I could Get one year's worth of content in one Month and just bulk it I'd be good Because I saw most of my competitors are Publishing six a day they're doing six a Day so you do the math six times 365 That's literally 2 000 reels so it's Like okay if I can create 2 000 reels in A month or a month and a half I Essentially have a Year's worth of work Done for me and I can just publish it

Right so that's essentially what I did Like a madman 30 60 reels every single Day for a month a month and a half and I Had all this content and I'm like okay Now I can just go ahead and test it and Literally we were just publishing two a Day in the beginning and it started Growing and then we started publishing Six a day and it started growing and I Was like whoa this is starting to go Crazy I was starting to get attraction And a lot of these people were very Similar to The Avatar or my dream client That essentially was complaining about Their problems when they were talking About me or when they were talking to me About health wealth and love and Essentially when I started getting all The attraction guess where I sent them In the link of the bio I essentially Tell people who it is that I help if You're a fitness person you say I help Busy professionals lose five pounds if You are a dating coach I help busy Professionals get 10 new dates this month right you need To go ahead and position your someone in The actual bio to go ahead and get them To book a phone call with you why Because you want to go ahead and find Out who's actually watching your content And start getting on the phone with them Asking their pain points asking their Problems why is it that they want X Y

And Z solved right because even though You could create your content broad Right like I I get most people into the Business realm but yet I create videos About like diets and health and wellness And business and relationships but People come to me for business because It's a more dynamic character you could Talk about every aspect of your life and Then have people come in for a specific Payment that you go and solve right and Then when they come in literally talk to Them who are the types of people that Are getting on the phone right are they Positive people right if you like Talking to them and you like having them As clients ask them what pieces of Content they came from if you found out That they come in from a specific topic Make more of that topic and on the other End if you talk to people and they're Just annoying you don't want to deal With them they're the worst clients ask Them what content did you come from and If they said X Y and Z content stop Making that content there was a time Where I made like a bunch of content Like it was a little bit about like Nofap because I got on the phone and Some of the top clients that came in They're like yeah I saw your nofap video I was like whoa let me just create 300 Notepad videos right and then people Just started coming in from that because

I essentially knew where the top clients Were essentially coming in from because They were essentially telling me right So once you get all the attention which Is the most important part the next step Is getting them to book a call with you Talking to them find out more pain Points guess what that's more ideas that You could go ahead and use to go and Create more content on Instagram and Then either close them on a high ticket Deal five thousand or ten thousand Dollar package and give them that Transformation that they want and help Them implement it because most people Are lazy right most people are going to Go through the course and they're like Oh la da da I'm going through the course But many people kind of like when you Lose weight you need a trainer to kind Of yell at you to be like yo you're Being lazy do X Y and Z or else right And obviously if you need help with that And you want even like my team to go Ahead and help you with like the editing That makes you sign up for the free case Study in the link below where I show you Exactly how we're able to go and do this For my business but if you are lazy if You complain all the time do not click On that link unless if you want to go Ahead and build the six and seven figure Business or if you're existing 6 seven Figure business owner check out the free

Case study in the link below as well

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