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This is how to get your first 1,000 subscribers on youtube as a complete beginner.
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Here's how to get your first 1000 Subscribers on YouTube Boop as you can See we literally do this method to pull In thousands of dollars per month So to be fair I didn't think that YouTube would actually end up the way That it is right now for me to be able To travel around the world to be able to Go ahead and meet cool people to be able To go ahead and live my life where Essentially I could go ahead and learn The things that naturally curious me or The things that I'm naturally curious About learn about them take my mistakes Take my failures go ahead and share Those lessons on YouTube and actually Turn that into a highly profitable Business I had no idea that all of this Was actually possible for someone who Had nothing who started off from Asian Immigrants that came from the Philippines who my entire life was Supposed to be a doctor dentist lawyer Nurse I did not think that YouTube and Moving down the YouTube path was Actually a possibility for someone like Me especially someone that wasn't the Most confident and someone that was very Shy around people and afraid of judgment And what other people would say and when I started YouTube I didn't actually Start YouTube to go ahead and get a Thousand followers or a thousand Subscribers I didn't actually use it to
Go ahead and build a business Essentially why I started a YouTube Channel was to make my ex-girlfriend Jealous okay and the first 1000 Subscribers was really because of that Intention and accidentally when I Started making more subscribers and Making more money I started realizing What I did on accident so again for Anyone that's just getting started Understand that you don't need to go After 100 000 subscribers you don't need To go after like 700 000 subscribers by The time of recording this is what my Channel is right now your first goal is To get to your first 1000 subscribers Because then you know that it actually Is real but again it's very hard looking Forward when it seems like oh I've never Done videos before I don't have the time Or I don't have the confidence or what If my friends are going to judge me what If my family's gonna judge me understand That every single successful person that Has succeeded in YouTube at one point is Feeling the exact same emotions that you Are feeling right now and what you need To understand is this is perfectly Normal and that this feeling that your Feeling of being afraid and actually Getting your first 1000 subscribers Everyone has actually felt that so how Did I actually get started well Obviously the people that succeed the
Most in YouTube are the ones that Actually document what are the things That they're naturally curious about Instead of creating creating's tough you Got to go ahead and be like oh well I Got to go ahead and do something right Now today and I gotta go plan this Script and I have to go ahead and think About something to say and what if I Don't know what to say and I sound like An idiot in front of the camera right Creating content is a lot harder than Just documenting what are you already Naturally doing now when I started my YouTube channel what was I doing I was Building a successful business on the Side and I just started backpacking and Traveling and trying to document my Journeys while traveling to of course Make my ex-girlfriend jokes right so I Was like traveling in Portugal I was Traveling in Spain I was working on my Public speaking because I was afraid of Speaking in front of people so I Remember this positioning my camera in Front of like the middle of Madrid right Where there was a bunch of people behind Me and I was just thinking okay well if I'm nervous and afraid of what I'm gonna Sound like if I sound like an idiot in Front of a camera what if I just make That feeling even worse and put it in Front of people while they're walking Behind me I'm actually speaking because
Then I was thinking okay well if that is What something that I would experience And I felt the fear of what it's like to Put the camera in front of like a very Busy place and just me being able to Talk then it's going to be a lot easier For me to just talk to a camera because I felt something that was a lot scarier Than just talking to the camera when There's no one else in the room right so I remember just doing that for the Longest period of time traveling in Madrid traveling in Spain traveling in South America traveling in Asia just Documenting the lessons that I was Learning on a daily basis I was getting Into personal development I was focusing On my health and my fitness I was Focusing on my dating life obviously Because my heart was broken I was Focusing on increasing my finances I was Trying to make more money I lost a bunch Of money but every single time I just Kept on documenting the thing because When you're beginning When you start making content you will Suck because you were just getting Started it's kind of like when you play Any sport you will suck in the beginning It's like when you first learn how to Drive a car you completely sucked at Driving a car everything that you are Actually good at right now at one point In your life you completely sucked and
Understanding content and YouTube is the Exact same thing So before you even think about getting Your first 1000 subscribers just Understand that you will suck that is Why documenting the process is of what You're naturally learning and what You're naturally curious about is the Best thing because it's already what Gives you the most energy what's already Authentic to you what you already Resonate with that you naturally want to Go ahead and share right so I was just Naturally sharing and and expressing all The lessons that I was learning when I Would learn some type of lesson for the Day I didn't care about the title I Didn't care about the thumbnail I didn't Care about any of that I just wanted to Get used to the process of creating and Documenting my story as a human being Going through life and trying to work at All aspects of life from health wealth Love happiness spirituality sexuality All of those things and the more I Started doing that what naturally Happened the first step before I started Getting that 1000 subscribers is I Became comfortable on camera in order For you to actually grow on YouTube you Need to go ahead and start becoming Comfortable on camera how do you get Comfortable on camera you just have to Go ahead and put in a lot of time
Underneath the Reps it's the exact same Thing when I was very shy with girls how Did did I get better at like talking to Women that I was attracted to it wasn't About reading Theory and books on how to Say hi to a girl or the right body Posture that I have to go ahead and hang Out with if I see a beautiful girl no I Had to go out there and talk to someone That I genuinely was attracted to and The more I went out there the more I put Myself out there the more I looked like An idiot the more I learned the more I Looked less like an idiot eventually the Point where I looked so little of an Idiot that I started looking charismatic In front of women right so you need to Understand that content is the exact Same thing now when you got to go ahead And do that you just got to focus on Making your first 30 50 100 pieces of Content right I know it sounds Overwhelming but it's fine if you need Help with that accountability you can Sign up for the case study before and We'll actually I'll hold you accountable To go ahead and make sure that you're Able to get your first 30 videos up your First 50 videos up your first 100 videos Up right but once you start getting to The point where you're comfortable and You get consistent on a publishing Schedule that's when you can go ahead And start focusing on what people are
Accidentally looking for Now High accidentally stumbled upon this Was I remember when I was like just Documenting everything I was traveling At this point I was like in Asia I went From like Madrid to Barcelona and then I Was like you know what I want to go Ahead and go to Asia to maybe see my Grandma maybe eat some egg rolls so I Was like in the Philippines and I Remember someone on I think social media I think it was like Instagram or SnapChat at the time back when I had a Snapchat was like oh what are the best Online business ideas for beginners I Was gone let me go ahead and make a Video about this right so here was Someone that was naturally following me Someone that was curious about the life That I was living just because I was Documenting things and this person Literally asked me online business ideas For beginners so guess what I made the Title of the video online business ideas For beginners because here's someone That was following me that was curious About the life that I was living and Curious about my Curiosities of growing In health wealth love and happiness and Here was someone literally just sliding In the DM saying hey can you make a Video about online business ideas for Beginners I made that one video and that Video got me tens of thousands of views
All the videos before when I was just Documenting my life was only getting a Couple hundred right but it was when I Accidentally made a video when someone Asked me a question did I realize that Oh if someone is in pain and they're Asking me this question and I go ahead And answer it There's probably A thousand tens of thousands hundreds of Thousands of people that are just like This person that is curious about the Exact same thing so at that point Essentially what I started doing is I Just started like creating content about All these things that people are Naturally asking me why do you think I'm Talking about how to get your first 1000 Subscribers on YouTube right now because I was creating a bunch of content going Through live going to events I even Stopped working for like six months just Going to events because I had so much Videos you know pre-scheduled on YouTube I literally had like three or six months Pre-scheduled so that I could live my Life while the content was still just Like publishing every single day and Someone's like oh Mike you know it's Cool you know you make six figures a Month on your YouTube you're doing all These things but uh how do I get my First 1000 subscribers and I was like Huh here's one person asking me this
Question if I'm gonna go ahead and make A video about this probably I'm gonna go Ahead and find someone like you someone That's curious someone that's hungry Someone that wants to go and build a YouTube channel someone that wants to be Held accountable to go ahead and Understand that maybe making a YouTube Channel is one of the best things you Could possibly ever do in your life Because it allows you to build a network It makes you look cool on camera it Allows you to go ahead and be into Certain amongst them a bunch of Opportunities that you couldn't Necessarily put your foot in the door Right and that was like the biggest Thing right I get my ideas from people That are naturally asking me questions Right now you probably have people that Are asking you questions what are people Already asking you questions about you Know your friends your family what are Things that you're naturally good at are You better at dating than some of your Friends are you better at Fitness than Some of your friends are you better at Business than some of your friends you Are better than your friends at one Thing in life what are the questions That they're actually asking you right What are the questions that they're Actually asking if they're not asking You anything then you need to go and
Look in the mirror and ask yourself okay Well then how can I improve then how can I actually get to the point where I'm Growing in some aspect of life either Health wealth love or happiness where Then people will start naturally asking Me questions because if someone's not Asking questions about how to improve Their life then you're not you don't Have any other results that people Actually genuinely would want and at That point why would anyone want to give You money right because at the end of The day the goal of actually building a YouTube channel and building a Subscriber base and building an audience Is so that you could turn the things That you love the most the things that Resonate with you the most into Something that you can make money by you Being authentically you does that make Sense and again people think they're Like oh I just want to get my first 1000 Subscribers I want to get my first 1000 Subscribers and they never publish Anything they never publish anything They're like oh I'm gonna go ahead and Do it tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Tomorrow and there's so many people that I said okay well here's a hunch I would Give people a hundred YouTube ideas Here's a hundred headlines here's a Hundred titles and if you literally just Go ahead and focus on recreating this as
Much as possible you will not only get Your first 1000 subscribers you will Actually make money with this but again People are like oh you know what like oh I'm not motivated and my friends you Know they they're no one's making Content around me and I just feel like An idiot talking on camera of course Because it's hard but why does anything In life that's worth it why does it have To be easy right same with the six-pack Same with like money in the bank account Same with anything you have to go and Put some type of time underneath the the Bar right and same with how people that Are overweight need a personal trainer To go ahead and hold them accountable to Show up to the gym every single day Sometimes you just need someone to hold Yourself accountable to go ahead and Creating content if you want us to be That person to go and hold you Accountable to make sure that you're Able to go ahead and publish the content Out there so that you can actually go Ahead and change your life with like What it did for me that makes you sign Up for the free case study below and Also book a call with one of me or even My team to go and see how we could Actually personally help you with your Personal brand and actually create Freedom for yourself