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This is how to make money with amazon fba with no money.
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#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil
In this video revealing a step-by-step Tutorial for amazon fba what it is and How complete beginners running a hundred To seven hundred dollars a day with no Money market after the intro [Music] Hey guys how's it going mike fasil here Welcome to this video before we actually Remind you that several spots have Opened up for this week's free workshop Where it's the fastest and easiest way To make money online sign up for the Link below we literally have a 62 year Old woman go from zero to 160 000 profit In 90 days so sign up now so i remember When i first heard about amazon fba this Was like in 2014 it was like way way way Back so i'm kind of like an og when it Comes to for example selling stuff Online right and i remember i just Wanted to get into it because i just Wanted freedom in my life right like my Parents were working 10 to 16 hours a Day they were trying to go ahead and Make sure that me and my sister would Have a better life than them but because They were constantly struggling and i Just felt guilty as a son seeing them Work and not doing anything about it how Many guys actually feel like that Someone is working really hard in your Life and you're like you know what i Don't want them to work as hard or Stress as much about money i need to
Step up and figure it out right and that Was kind of like the situation that i Was in i was like you know what i need To figure this out i don't care what i Do i just need to go ahead and make Money so that my family does not have to Stress as much and amazon fba was one of Those things you know i was watching Some videos i bought a course right and I literally started learning what it is About amazon but i did a bunch of things That literally lost me a bunch of money Things that i wish i knew earlier on Things that you need to make sure that You know right now if you are just Getting started and i literally lost 20 Grand because i did not understand this And this is what you guys understand When you want to get started with amazon Fba did you know that you could get Started for absolutely free for Absolutely free like there's some people Like oh i want to get money started with Amazon fba and then they're like okay Well don't i need like several thousands Of dollars don't i need to buy a bunch Of products from china and don't i need To go ahead and spend thousands of Dollars or of money that i don't have to Go ahead and maybe ship it to amazon so That maybe one day in the future i can Make my money back right well here's the Thing when you truly understand what Amazon fba is then you can get started
For absolutely free but what what are You talking about mike in order to start With amazon don't you need to pay the 39 A month even selling amazon no you don't There is a free way to get started with Amazon i'm telling you pay attention to This video so let's actually break this Down for you to understand this Opportunity and this crazy new thing That is happening right now you need to Understand what amazon fba actually is Because people get blinded like oh my God like i get to get started with Amazon fba where essentially you send Products to amazon amazon does the Shipping the handling and the customer Service they'll do all that stuff for You and they'll pay you consistently so That dream of passive income to make Money on the beach or traveling to Places like bali where i'm at right now And just earning money while you're just Kind of like looking at the stock in the Inventory right that is there that is There and if you are able to succeed in That You can make passive income but again What is hard is people like well don't i Need money don't i need money well no The secret about amazon fee isn't the Fact that they're doing all the hard Work the secret is that amazon is a Search engine what do i mean by that Every single time i want toilet paper
And i'm afraid of going outside because The world is crazy right i type in Something as simple as like toilet paper Do you see all these things that pop up This is essentially amazon telling me What people are searching for right so People every single they're like oh i Want toilet paper i got to go wipe my Butt and they're essentially going in And typing this on amazon and because of That right if you rank for this because People are searching for it and you get Found on the first page you would Essentially get paid for it so your goal Is essentially be one of the first Options when people type in toilet paper That is what it is so the second step That you got to understand with amazon Is then amazon is just a real estate Play right now if i was going to go to New york right now and build real estate It would be very hard because it's Already been developed if i was going to Go to singapore right now and develop You know new real estate it's hard Because real estate's already been Developed the people that made the most Money in new york was before it was new York and they developed it or the movie Crazy rich asians how many people have Actually seen that right it's the people That developed singapore that made all The old money it's exact same thing in Amazon you do not want to go for words
That are already developed you want to Go for words that are underdeveloped Does that make sense now here's the Thing i just typed in toilet paper here Are all of the pieces of real estate That you can rank for almost like Addresses where people are searching for Right Now obviously i'm not going to go over Toilet paper because look at this 92 000 Reviews i'm literally going against People that have thousands of reviews It's very hard to get on the first page So my goal is to come in here and type In something where if i just type in Something like beagle gifts for whatever Do you see all these things that pop up These are essentially what people are Searching for i would want to find Something that has less reviews by Something that something is essentially People are searching for right so if i Just type in bingo gifts for beagle Lovers here's the thing i see this thing Right here 23 And this one 19 right so if i really buy One of these things amazon will do the Shipping will do the handling they'll do The customer service and whoever's Products these are they would get paid Consistently every single two weeks Right so this is really the beauty about Amazon the big goal about amazon fba Isn't the fulfillment by amazon but it's
Ranking for the keywords and the big win From that is finding the keywords that Are undervalued by seeing when you go Ahead and type it are there low Competition are there not that much you Know distinguishable products are there A lot of differentiations between the Products i mean here we have a cup we Have a salt shaker we have what are These socks or towels and we have a T-shirt so this keyword is a good Opportunity does that make sense the Next step that you need to understand to Get started with this is before you ever Think about going to china or alibaba to Buy a bunch of these products to go out And sell the first step that you need to Understand is can you actually go ahead And rank for this keyword right that's Why the hard thing for me is i was like Oh i was just swinging for the fences i Bought a bunch of products spent money First and then decided to see if i could Rank you want to flip that around you Want to see if you could rank for Certain keywords first and then buy the Products So let's just take for example uh beagle Gifts for beagle lovers here are Different opportunities that i can sell I can sell towels t-shirts Uh something to hold something or for Example this product right well if i had No money whatsoever i would first begin
With t-shirts why because if i want to Sell any one of these other physical Products i would have to spend 39 a Month to go on seller central but if i Were to sell t-shirts i could sign up For Merch.amazon.com for free where Essentially i could sell t-shirts on Amazon for free all i had to do is Upload artwork that i don't even have to Create myself so even if you don't Understand graphic design it's perfect For you you set a list price we print Was sold and guess what fast shipping With prime so this is technically amazon Fba and you earn monthly royalties so It's again it's a passive income play And some of these t-shirts can make you A hundred dollars a month in passive Income so the goal is if you can get 10 T-shirts to take you a thousand dollars A month all collectively that's a Thousand dollars a month of free money Coming in for products that you don't Even have to buy inventory on you could Then take that money and then go and go To china and then test more does that Make sense so i'll go first start with The t-shirt play right and the thing About t-shirts pretty easy i would just Go to pinterest type in cat t-shirt or Whatever niche find the top winning ones Then go to upwork type in graphic Designer and just get them from for
Example from the philippines less than Ten dollars an hour below i'm gonna get Something like her to literally just Create all the designs for me upload Them on to merchant amazon.com with the Keywords that are similar to beagle Gifts for beagle lovers right i would go Ahead and type in other things like like All these other things that would pop up Or other keywords that these people have Used like look at the stand holder Display hound whatever and i'll just see If i could go ahead and rank for certain Keywords does that make sense and if i Would make a sale from that guess what i Don't have to worry about any inventory Amazon would just pay me now that would Just be one way now once you start Making money with that that's when you Go to the next level say you want to go Ahead and then start doing something Similar like this Well obviously you wouldn't go ahead and Sell another salt shaker because they're Already there but how can you sell Something similar what about a wine Holder right so here i am on alibaba Typing in beagle wine holder and you can See that there's all these wine holders That i could go ahead and use right all These wine holders that i can like ask Them hey can you go ahead and just make This like a beagle like thing here's an Example of one right a beagle wine
Holder where you see the beagle and it Literally holds a wine so that's just Like a simple idea of something that Would essentially work that's kind of Like similar to this but a little bit Different but instead of spending my own Money i could then use the money from Merch.amazon.com to get started with That so essentially i never put any of My money down does that make sense and This is exactly how you can make money Online with amazon fba if you have no Money to get started with you want to go Ahead and build it up but obviously if Your goal is just cash flow right now to Get consistent stable passive income Online where we literally have people in Our community go from zero to thirty Thousand dollars a month in passive Income with this brand new opportunity Of this year and it's not just dean at Age 47 years old i mean ilia was able to Do it as an immigrant greg did it at age 48 or 58 years old chris was able to do It and you literally have for example Francisco from chile where the average Income was 500 a month was able to do it As well if you want to know exactly what They did step by step and you want us to Hold your hand then make sure you sign Up for the 64 workshop below check this Video on this podcast right here and I'll see you guys later [Music]