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This is a step by step tutorial on how to make money online with music as a complete beginner.
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https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.
#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil
Hey guys mike this seal here an industry Revealing how to make money online and How you can actually earn 12 Per song that you go ahead and listen And review more that after the angel [Music] Hey guys how's it going mike fasil here Welcome to this video before we actually Begin to remind you that several spots Have opened up for this week's free Workshop or it's the fastest and easiest Way to make money online sign up for it In the link below we literally have a 62 Year old woman go from zero to 160 grand Profit in 90 days check it out now so The first step is actually very pretty Simple if you want to go ahead and make Money listening to music going here and Checking over here getting paid about 12 Per song for every single song that you Go out and review you need to know Exactly where to go ahead and look so Before we actually go ahead into the Meat and potatoes let's just show you The website right it's literally Playlistpush.com playlistpush.com and You can see what we do connecting Artists to playlists creators we help Independent artists get their music on Playlist and give playlist creators a Way to discover new music and this is All fun and dandy right and you can see Exactly how it essentially works but What the most important thing is you can
See this creator thing discover some of The best and upcoming indie songs and Help them launch the career get paid to Listen and review songs and all i got to Do to become a creator you can see right Here they're the ones that earn 12 per Song that you go out and listen to now For those that have never made money Online before in the past you're Probably wondering why would these People go ahead and for example pay me 12 per song that you know i go ahead and Review what's very actually interesting You need to understand for this you need To understand how business in general Works and after you know traveling Around the world and interviewing a lot Of people with their different Businesses like this 11 year old girl That turned on 30 million or this guy That makes a million dollars from profit That i've met here in bali or even like My various other businesses that do Pretty well as well i find that all Businesses have some common theme and You have a product you're trying to Deliver that product to the to the Market and you need a sales and Marketing component to go ahead and put It in front of the right audience so how Does that work for example with music What's very interesting you know i kind Of understand this because of the fact That you know when i was like younger in
High school i had friends that were Trying to become musicians their only Biggest problem was they would create Music they would create songs but they Couldn't get it out there they couldn't Go ahead and reach the master they Couldn't go ahead and find the audience They were so passionate at the product But they had no idea how to go ahead and Deliver it so what happens a lot of These musicians go ahead and try to find Like producers people that could produce Their music people that can market their Music or managers people that could get Them more gigs to get them in front of The right people right and they Literally give them a percentage or Money for that service to go ahead and Take their music and put it out to the Masses but here that was like back in The day now newer musicians what they do When they have a new song or a new album They literally go to playlistpush.com Right here and they go ahead and pay Playlist push to the ability to go ahead And market their songs to people that Would actually want to go and listen to It right so that's good if you are an Artist right so you have the artist the Person that's making the product but Then you have playlist push the person That's going ahead and doing the sales And marketing then you have for example People like you that is actually going
To do the delivery of actually getting The music out to the people so how would You go ahead and do that right well it's Very simple Artists go ahead to playlist push to go Ahead and pay the money to market their Products playlists push people like you Essentially uh getting a huge workforce Of people to go ahead and for example Build playlists to get the new artist Going and found right so essentially When you go ahead and sign up they're Going to tell you a bunch of artists and A bunch of songs that you need to go Ahead and promote you're essentially Promoting these songs right or music so How would you go and do this well Obviously people don't know people that Have never made music or aren't famous Before right but if you see concerts how People start bringing up new talent is You have the main person that's Headlining the concert and they'll start Bringing up you know newer newer people But they're just going to open the show Right they're literally going to open The show and if they're good they Essentially you know move them up higher To like the main you know event of the Concert but if not they just kind of Like get rid of them right well it's the Exact same thing you need to find people That are already well known like in the Concert and you need a couple of them
With similar genres of the artist that You know the playlist push tells you to Go out and promote like here's an Example if i go ahead and type in top Music of the year this is literally what People are already listening to so what I'll do is i would create a bunch of Playlists on spotify right here and i'll Go ahead and link it with the songs here That relate with the artist that they go Ahead and essentially send you on for Example playlist push right because some Will have different genres or it's going To be hip-hop so i'll take that one Hip-hop song i'll combine it with the Top hip-hop songs of this year maybe It's rock i'll combine it with all the Top rock songs of this year that way When people look at the top rock songs They also naturally go ahead and see the Song that it is that i'm promoting so That's essentially what you do in your Free time just make a bunch of playlists Of the songs of the artist that go ahead And apply for playlist push.com Now the moment you go ahead and create The playlist the next step is how you're Going to go ahead and market it well Obviously if you just put it on spotify The odds of being found is one way but Another way is also just putting it into For example uh like aggregates where They actually take playlists and push it Out to their audience so sound plate is
A really good one because you can see Sound play gets about 000 visitors every single month you can See that you could submit your playlist And actually get found and help music Succeed and again with those people Going and seeing your playlists right The odds of you getting paid are a lot Higher another one of course is uh Topsify.com And you see top supply gets about 30 000 Visitors a month right but you can see That you could go ahead and do the exact Same thing there's all these different Genres you go ahead and submit the genre There based off of the playlist and the Song and the genre that the artist has Made and again you do the exact same Thing and just by doing this alone you Could go ahead and for example get Traction from your playlist but of Course if all your goal is is to make Money in line and create passive income We have a brand new opportunity this Year where we literally have people in a Community people like dina a Stay-at-home mom go from zero to 30 Grand a month in five to eight weeks and If you want us to hold your hand and you Want the step-by-step process then sign Up for the speaker workshop below check Out this studio's podcast and i'll see You guys later [Music]