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What a woman needs to do to go ahead and Attract her soulmate is very simple Number one she needs to go ahead and Find what her values are what she wants Out of life and then she needs to go Ahead and find those values in somebody Else and when you go ahead and find that Person depending on who they are you Need to find a way to add value to that Person because here's the thing as a man We have a lot of responsibilities we Want to go ahead and grow we want to go Ahead and Conquer something we want to Go ahead and make money we want to go Ahead and build the business so we could Provide or our lover for our loved ones For our family for our future family and With all of our time and attention Focusing on becoming the best version of Ourselves on our mission to go ahead and Create something to give back to our Loved ones there are some parts of our Life that we are bad at so it is very Nice when a woman finds those ways to be Complementary into our lives to add Value into our lives that's the exact Way to build a long-term happy Relationship with someone that has Values that are the same as yours and Someone that is on the same mission to Go ahead and create something that is For example good for the family and Future Family the problem with most Women is they just are attracted to all
The red flags and literally go and go For men that have no substance