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This is a step by step tutorial on how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners.
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#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil
Here's exactly how to make money with Affiliate marketing as you can see we do This and make several thousands of Dollars a day with this method So there are so many ways to go to make Money with affiliate marketing some ways Are like oh I got a phone let me go and Make a phone review oh I got this camera Let me go and make a camera review That's great that's fun that's Annie but You won't make as much money as this way And I can tell you this because I Literally went and did this on accident And made like a hundred grand in less Than 30 days with affiliate marketing Now it's throwing away everything you Think you know and just doing this Instead now before we actually you need To know exactly what affiliate marketing Is especially if you're new and you Watch this and you've never seen a video Like this before hi how's it going my Name is Mike masile I help people start And grow businesses but essentially what Happened is how I accidentally sum upon Affiliate marketings was I tried so many Different business models I was doing E-commerce which by the way if you need Help with e-commerce we have a E-commerce accelerator in the link below And in that business I went from zero to 1.5 million in sales in 12 months and I Had several six figures now uh in in Profit right so I literally took that
Money and I started traveling I wanted To see what was another business model That I could essentially call home right What what would it actually be and I Didn't know what it was because I didn't Want to build a big team I didn't want To go ahead and for example manage a Bunch of people I just want to go ahead Live my life create content be in the Creative points of view I didn't want to Go ahead and manage a bunch of people I Just want to go ahead and and just Chase My Curiosities right And one of my Curiosities enemy in this Random dinner table in Singapore Surrounded by a bunch of Multi-millionaires that were making Money in affiliate marketing I was like Whoa this is crazy because many of the Businesses that I did in the past I Didn't want to build I just essentially Built just because it made money but Here were people that I looked up to That I was like you know what I want to Be just like them and a lot of them made Millions of dollars with affiliate Marketing and I was like you know what What is it that they actually go ahead And do so what essentially that I did I Was like the annoying little brother That just followed them everywhere that They went right everyone was in their 30s 40s 50s and I was just like this Punk 21 22 23 year old kid right and I
Just wanted to see how I could add value How I could add value how I can add Value millions of times these people That made millions in affiliate Marketing They didn't have a personal brand right So essentially what I did is I just went Up and I was like Hey what if I just Interview what if I just interview and And when I interviewed them that's when I kind of found out what everything is Affiliate marketing is very beautiful Because you don't need your own product You don't need your own service you Don't need your own team there are Literally products out there what if you Recommend it someone else will do the Shipping the handling the customer Service they built the team you Literally get paid most of the money Right so that's what I learned from all These multi-millionaires they just focus On finding products to sell and then Selling to people so then I was asking I Was like well where did you find the People well multiple different ways you Can either build an audience on an email List so a lot of them had email list Audiences but they didn't have big Personal brands on YouTube others could Build it on YouTube others could build It on Tick Tock others can build it on Instagram doesn't matter you take them From the social media platforms and you
Put them on an email list the reason why Is when you have them on an email list You could sell them forever doesn't Matter what social media comes up and Down you could always sell them forever Does that make sense so when I started Interviewing them I started realizing That all of them focused on building a List building a list building a list you Can build the list on email you could Build a list on YouTube you can build a List on Instagram you can build a list On Tick Tock it doesn't matter a list is Essentially an audience that has some Type of pain point that you could Essentially sell them stuff Because I started doing this over and Over and over again just asking them More questions asking more questions and I documented everything I was like okay Let me go ahead and record this while I'm asking you questions now the funny Thing enough is I didn't know this at The time but because I was naturally Curious about affiliate marketing with Them and I was creating content about Guess who I started attracting people That were interested in affiliate Marketing all these affiliate marketers Started coming and looking up at my Videos because I was just interviewing The people that I looked up to right and We had like this little Mr Miyagi Karate Kid approach where it's like I was like
The homeless Backpacker guy that looked Like a digital Nomad right just looked Completely homeless and here were like The sage internet marketing gurus that Made millions of dollars in affiliate Marketing and I remember I accidentally Built a list of affiliate marketers Right and I didn't know exactly how to Monetize this but my mentor was like oh We had one video that blew up it got Like half a million views made no money From it but it was just cool because I Was naturally asking these questions That I was actually curious about and my Mentor was like you know what hey uh We're gonna go ahead and launch a Product we're gonna launch a course it's Gonna be a high ticket course I was like Huh a high ticket course uh how does That work and essentially he's like you Go ahead and invite your list to an Event or sales presentation I'll do the Selling if they sell I'll give you half Of the of the sale I'm like wait so I Don't need my own product he's like no I Don't need to sell I'm like no I just Have to invite people to this event this Digital event that you're going to do This on he's like yeah and literally I Did that okay now here is this I built This audience up for maybe six months Six months consistently didn't know how Much money I was gonna make didn't think About affiliate marketing at all I
Recommended it to this one event and That one event made me 300 Grand 300 Grand now think about this it was no Money no money no money no money money I Was building up an audience and then bam 300 Grand this happened again I went to This Mindvalley event if you don't know What Mindvalley is it's like the super Spirituality event because I went on Like this deep spiritual path and I was Like meditating all the time and I went To this event and essentially this guy Was like start a podcast because that's What you value the most you value Meeting interesting people you you value Being creative you you value really Awesome discussions right so started Creating a podcast essentially what it Is is when I got a podcast I was like I Don't know anything about podcasts I Just need to find interesting people I Then reached out to all my interesting Friends in Bali and I was like hey I'm Starting a podcast let me interview you Funny thing enough it happened again Those podcasts ended up blowing up I Accidentally built a new audience and These people were asking me things like Hey Mike we have this question we have This question we want to buy things Through I was like I have nothing to Sell but I built this audience where They were essentially telling me that They want to go ahead and buy from the
Person that interviewed and the person That I interviewed was like hey Mike People have been sliding my DMs every Single day wanting to give me money but Because it came for me what if we just Do another launch and I was like okay Let's just do another launch again one Of the persons did this like big event Online and I just invited to there and Again just like that on the first day it Was like 7 70 grand 70 grand In affiliate marketing now here's the Thing when people get started in Affiliate marketing they they don't Think about it in the most long-term Period of things people think oh I need To go ahead and find a product to sell And then find the audience or I need to Go ahead and find this camera that gives The best commissions then find the Audience but what if you're going to do It the other way around what if you Build the audience first build it up Build up build up build up ask them what It is that they want and when they tell You hey I want X product find someone That has already creating that product And strike a deal now I've done this With so many different things if you Type in trans if you type in jump rope Transformation 30 days you will see that I've gone viral in the jump rope Niche All these people are like I want to jump Rope just like you Mike now if they
Reach out to me and they said hey I want To go ahead and buy a jump rope from you I could then go up to any jump rope be Like hey I want to sell your jump rope Give me a commission cool bam I just Marketed people that looked at jump Ropes that wanted jump ropes and I found A company that already had jump ropes I Literally connected them I'm essentially Like the Tinder for dating products Right everyone's like swiping left and Right to find find a girl or a guy that They want to go on a date I essentially Have a long list of people that want to Buy products and a long list of people That want to sell their products and I'm Just kind of like being the the Matchmaker in between and because that That is exactly how I make money if you Don't understand affiliate marketing That is literally it at the highest Level but obviously if you want to know The fast way to make money with Affiliate marketing check it out in the First link below where we literally have People using AI robots to make money and Make their first one thousand dollars a Day with affiliate marketing