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This is a step by step tutorial on how to get rich from the recession this year.

**DISCLAIMER** I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment.

The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. This is a Youtube video for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, Mike MAY have an ownership interest in them — DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Mike’s videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for Mike Vestil. Any use of other media is by fair-use or license only.

https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.

#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil

Every single time there is a recession In history you could use it to get very Rich or very wealthy and I can tell you This from not only me but all of my Millionaire friends we are doing these Exact same things to get even more Rich During the recession this year What are your money moves like seriously What are your money moves in the next 6 12 24 36 months if you do not know what Your money moves are and how to deploy Cash and how to increase cash in the Next several months then you literally Have no plan and having no plan is Literally planning to fail failing to Plan is planning to fail and this Question is what I ask from everyone That is smarter than me that is richer Than me that makes more money than me Why because I know that I don't know a Lot of things and I think that's what we All know we all know that we don't know Certain things and I think it is our Duty and Our obligation go ahead and Learn from things that people that have What it is that we want so literally Around like 2020 to 2021 my income Started growing like crazy right where To the point where I went from like Making seven dollars a day to six Figures a month as you can see right Here Boop and with that I started Realizing okay how am I going to go Ahead didn't move this money in the next

For example recession or in the next Depression because the thing is in the Past I was in a route I was around in 2008 when when the recession happened When there was like that huge crash I Didn't understand it I was in eighth Grade studying Math and Science okay Because I'm Asian and I was supposed to Be a doctor and a dentist or a lawyer or A nurse right I had no Financial Background whatsoever right so I know For this I I was in Round in 2008 or Like logically thinking what my money Moves are so now as everything is coming I'm kind of like positioning myself in a Way where it's like I want to go ahead And make the most out of this and the Only way I know how to make the most out Of this is literally by asking people Who are around in 2008 and what were Their mistakes what did they wish they Did in 2008 and learning from their Emotional pains because the first step You really got to go and do it doesn't Matter if it's an up Market or a down Market you got to go ahead and increase Your income you got to go ahead and Increase your cash flow the only way That you could go ahead and do that is Of course becoming more valuable no Matter what happens in the economy of The marketplace if you understand sales If you understand marketing if you Understand copywriting you could always

Find a way to go ahead and make money Does that make sense and again you Should be doing this if the market is up If the Market's down it doesn't matter Because no matter what happens the Economy can't take away your skill sets Like the economy literally can't take Away your skill set so literally in 2020 It's a 2021 to 2022 my income just Started skyrocking like crazy where we Were netting like six figures a month Now now in the past because I've learned From my emotional mistakes of greed and Hunger and immediate gratification and Shiny object syndrome is in the past if I did not have a plan for my income Coming in I would just lose a bunch of Money right so it doesn't matter if There's a recession or not recession It's literally your your habits and your Financial literacy right so in the past I was really good at sales and marketing Like I said you know oh no matter what Happens if there's a recession or no Recession I would make a bunch of money But because I did not know what my money Moves were in the next 6 12 24 months I Didn't know where to park it guess what Happened I lost all that money like There was literally a point where Without a recession right in 2015 I made Several six figures just in my bank Account I was like okay I'm gonna go Ahead and invest it in something right

And because I didn't actually have a Plan and because I didn't plan it out When the money came I just didn't know What to do with it and obviously if You're not used to that much money You're literally gonna go ahead and blow It right so again First Step let's go Back to the main idea no matter what Happens if the recession or not Recession you need to go ahead and Increase your skill set find a way to Make more money because no no matter What happens right divorce lawyers are Still going to go ahead and make money During a recession right doctors are Still going to go ahead and make money During the session right surgeons are Still going to go ahead and make money During a recession people's value and Their skill sets cannot be taken away From them no matter what economy there Is okay as long as you focus on things That are very very useful right or or Things that people need or things that Are very deep in pain right either in Health wealth or love and you help them With that think about doctors dentist Lawyers divorce attorneys coaches Consultants service providers people That help people with their bodies Because people are always going to want To be in good shape people are always Going to want to make more money no Matter if there's UPS or Downs people

Are always going to be lonely and want To go out and find love if you could Find a skill set that you could grow in That and sell that again it doesn't Matter if the market is up or down you Become valuable because those pain Points will exist no matter what the Market is the second thing is you need On understand where you're actually Going to go and put the money right so Here was my biggest problem when I Started making a bunch of money I was Like you know what I'm just gonna go put It in my checkings account and I'm just Gonna see that kind of Stack but Multiple things happen when you see the Money every single day and you're not Used to it your mind does the dumbest Things and it plays tricks on you and You know you just want to go ahead and Blow it you're like oh you know like Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and invest that In the future oh wow we're Rolex and you Buy the Rolex oh yeah I'm going to Invest that in the future and then some Idiot friend says I want to start a Business idea and because you have more Money and you think you are literally God's greatest gift when it comes to Building businesses they're like oh yeah I'll throw money in there and time and Time again if I did not have a plan for My money I would have a death of a Thousand Cuts a five grand opportunity

There a five grand opportunity there I Wasn't essentially thinking and because I just saw it I just spend it on dumb Things so what I ended up doing Because I understood that the Mind plays Tricks on you right and your mind is Going to play tricks on you is you need To make that money go somewhere else Where you can't see it so now every Single two weeks I have a huge Percentage of my income coming in going Out to a brokerage account so I don't See it so don't touch it so don't look At it so I don't make any idiot moves Because I know that I could very easily Make idiotic moves if I see that money Every single day and if I have access to That money every single day but the more You kind of create barriers between your Idiotic brain and the money that you can Easily spend the less likely you're Actually gonna go in and spend it so I Use automation so that I don't even Think about it because then it's just Stacking there so when things hit the Fan guess what I can deploy it but Instead of buying liabilities I could Use that to go ahead and buy assets does That make sense again this isn't Finance Advice I'm not financed by this is Literally what I've learned from losing A bunch of money right So now I did that now I I put myself in A setup to actually take advantage of

This recession and you need to go ahead And understand this and understand There's recessions that happens like Every eight years every 10 years every 12 years you need to be preparing for This long term so if you're watching This right now it's already too late Then maybe you gotta think even more Long term and be like okay well our Recession is probably going to happen Next time How can I get my income right To make sure it's going to happen and This is exactly what I knew right I knew There was going to be a session in 2008 Right or I I knew that that happened Right when the world kind of messed up In March I think it was like 2022 and Everything dropped I was like man I was Angry at myself that I wasn't prepared To go ahead and get up a bunch of like Stocks or assets or businesses when Everything dropped because I didn't have My cash flow so I started thinking I'm Like okay there is going to be a Recession in the future and I need to Capitalize on it before I could Capitalize and guess what I need income Coming in man I need income coming in From a high value skill set either Helping in health wealth love or Happiness right or learning sales and Marketing and I need to go ahead and put Money off to the side that I don't touch And I don't see it so that when bad

Things happen of course I could go and Leverage it so that's really what I did At that in 2020 one and then 2022 I Literally just started stacking cash Stacking cash stacking cash and stacking Cash you know here we are now deploying Now again if this is unrelatable to you You need to understand that you need to Get angry that you're not ready for this Or that you're not prepared for this Because you needed that now prepare for The next one or find a way to make a lot Of money fast by selling High ticket Services or offers right in health Wealth of love right you got to figure It out if you need help with that we Have a free link below or you can go Ahead and we'll help you with it it's One of the personal brand case studies In the links below but once you Understand that the next thing you want To do is you want to start building your Network what are your rich friends doing And putting their money in I I literally Hang around with a bunch of rich people All the time many of them make even more Money than me and constantly every Single time I see them I'm like what are You doing with your cash what is what What is your asset allocation with your Cash and every the at most of them right Now they're just sitting on a bunch of Cash they're just sitting on a bunch of Cash somewhere maybe in their broker's

Account maybe it's in like treasuries or Whatever so that when things actually do Hit the fan they get their favorite Stocks they get their favorite Businesses they get their favorite Assets at a cheap right like think about It that's literally what people are Doing there's literally people that Haven't been buying Rolex watches they Haven't been buying Rolex watches Because everything was like up but now That everything's crashing they're Literally getting their favorite watches Because the people that bought the Watches or the timepieces when Everything was high up guess what They're broke now because they put all Their money in that and not cash flowing Assets and businesses and skill sets so Now they have to sell it at a lower cost And now the rich people that have been More patient they just buy it up from Them or what else are they doing they're Buying their favorite socks from people That bought them overpriced they're Buying businesses from people that you Know overvalue their businesses when Everything was at the higher they are Stacking cash and they're just waiting For their opportunity same thing with Real estate right they're literally Going ahead and waiting because one Thing's gonna happen There's no extra money coming in right

There's so much crazy things that end up Happening where it's almost like hard to Understand how this will go up like it's Probably going to go ahead and go worse Before it gets better and again this is A finance advice I'm not a financial Advisor I'm just telling you exactly What my wealthy rich people friends are Doing so that is what they're all Telling me to do So how am I personally going ahead and Taking advantage of this right well this Is kind of where my shiny object Syndrome comes in because now if you've Been following this ideas and you've Been stacking up cash and you've been Building money and you've been putting It away so you don't see it you need to Understand where you're actually going To go and put it so where am I Personally doing I have friends that Have made you know millions of dollars In real estate millions of dollars in Crypto millions of dollars in self Storage units millions of dollars in Anything so they're telling me all Different ideas and advice but I always Have to remember on where I am Personally coming from and what is my Appetite for risk based off of all the Money that I lost invest so I like Thinking about it in a barbell approach Kind of like the scene to let and right Now even though I have shiny object

Syndrome and I want to put money in all These different things it seems like the Two things are the ones that I'm Focusing on the most which is very very Low risk and very very high risk but High risk that I could control and I Separate those two so the high risk is My personal brand I will literally throw Money in my personal brand because I Know that the the bigger my personal Brand makes the more money it actually Generates me like there are little Videos that I make that will make me 500 A month okay so as long as I keep on Making my content better and better and Better and serving more people doesn't Matter even though it's a high risk Business I could essentially control the income That I make as well as when you create a Personal brand it literally becomes kind Of like your calling card that allows You to network with high net worth Individuals so that you can go ahead and Make business deals so I'm literally Going all in on my personal brand Because the people that focus on their Personal brand when things get worse Guess what the things are going to go Ahead and get better eventually and what You did was you built some type of brand Where now people are going to look at You you build some type of audience Where now you can get into deals and in

Certain things so personal brand will Always be my number one focus and always Growing myself health wise and Documenting all the lessons that I've Learned documenting and sharing it and Making money from that right now the Second thing is I literally just put it In a brokerage account so when Everything just literally hits the fan I Can just go ahead and get a bunch of Index ones now you're probably wondering What that sounds really boring like Index yeah because here's the thing one Will grow my wealth well the other one Will literally grow my cash flow and That's really all the things that you Need you need something that's going to Grow your cash flow very very fast so For me it's like my personal brand and You another one where it literally goes Ahead and just Parks it in a safe world Where maybe like an index one grows Eight to twelve percent a year but if You really think about it and you have Time in your side and you think in a Long time Horizon just imagine right Because if it doubles or if it literally If you get like eight to twelve percent Return every single year right And even if you buy like when everything Goes to crap right you're literally Going to go ahead and and just like it's It's almost hard not to lose doesn't Make sense and this is just kind of like

My mentality right so With uh Index Fund the girls like about Eight to twelve percent It would essentially double every seven Ish years now think about that it would Literally double every single seven Years and if you think about in a long Time A Time Horizon just think about This say you had a million dollars right And instead of dollar cost averaging When everything hits the fan not only There's a recession that happens but There's a huge depression say I had like A million dollars let's put it in an Index fund right Seven years from that let's just pretend You didn't get it at a recession or Depression because on average it just Fluctuates from eight to twelve percent Every single year returns right so Essentially you'll double every seven Years so seven years from now that one Million would turn into two million 14 Years from now that 2 million will turn Into 14 million or no 4 million Another seven years from now that will Turn into 8 million and at that point That's already the age that I'm gonna Essentially go ahead and retire so just Think about that even without a Recession if you just think about a Long-term time rising of like investing Like seven years 10 years 20 years 30 Years 40 years right you could see that

As long as you stick to the route you're Going to end up with a bunch of money Even if that's all you put in like for Example the million cash right and again People don't think about it because they Want to chase the fast returns they're Like oh I want to go and throw it all Into this crypto thing and then they Just lose all their money I can tell you How many people I've met in their 30s 40s and 50s that have made millions of Dollars and then they put it into like Like just crazy risky assets because They're comparing themselves to someone Else and because they're comparing Themselves to someone else and someone Has more money than them they want to go Ahead and go after the high-risk things And then they lose all the money that They work so hard to go and create the Reason why I know this is because this Is exactly what I freaking did I made a Bunch of money I thought I was good and Then I compared myself to someone else And I was like oh that person has a lot Of money oh maybe I need to go and do Something more risky to catch up to them And I'll try to catch up to them and Guess what I would lose all the money so Now those are the two things that Personally doing right Super safe index funds even though this Finance device I'm not a financial Advisor I'm just telling you that I've

Thrown a lot of money in the past on a Bunch of different products and they Just died another one is whatever will Grow my personal brand if it grows my Personal brand and I can control it and My personal brand grows in value from me Doing certain business decisions those Are kind of like the two things that I'm Essentially focusing on does that make Sense if you need help with that we have A bunch of free links in the links below If you're a complete beginner and you Want to know to get your first one Thousand dollars a day right in cash Flow using AI robots check it out on the First link below if you want a personal Brand and you want me to help you then Book a call with me and my team in the Second link it's Mike for sale.com Personal brand I'll see you guys on the Next

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