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Here are money habits keeping you poor.
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#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil
Pure money habits that are keeping you Poor now the first thing is not having a Long-term plan for your money now back When I first got started making money Online before I started making twenty Seven thousand dollars a week in passive Income there was a point in my life Where I went from zero to 1.5 million Dollars in sales in 12 months and with That came multiple six figures in Profits that I literally just had Sitting in my bank account now this was Crazy because I've never seen money like That in my life you know my entire life I was supposed to be a dentist my entire Life my parents were from the Philippines came to America and had me In my entire life I always thought that It was impossible for someone like me Someone who wasn't the smartest person In the world someone who did not have The experience to actually make a bunch Of money and the funny thing enough is I Thought that that was it I thought you Know that that I'm gonna get rich I Thought that was gonna become very Successful I thought that I was going to Turn that into millions of dollars but I Did not now why is that because I did Not have a plan for where this money Actually would go it was literally just Sitting in my bank account and I had no Long-term plan on what I was going to do With this I did not have any long-term
Vision for what I was going to do with This wealth in the next 10 20 34 40 Years and because of that because I did Not have a plan before I made money it Literally got lost I lost all of that Money because I didn't know where to Actually park it which leads me to the Second habit you need to understand Where you actually could park the money And this is like after tax money so Again when I was just back in the day Like seeing all this money in my bank Account obviously my ego went up but When my ego went up my money literacy my Financial literacy did not match it so Obviously if you don't become the person That deserves it or knows how to keep The money you will lose it just as fast As you make it you see it time and time Again there's so many people that made Millions of dollars in crypto but yet Why are they broke shortly thereafter Because they never had the habits of What it would actually take to actually Become wealthy and the secret about Wealth is it's nothing more than just Your daily habits when you look at Someone who has a six-pack the only Difference between them and someone who Doesn't have a six-pack is because they Just have habits every single day that Give them the ability to have a six-pack It's the exact same thing with wealth Why do you see someone that is wealthy
And has millions of dollars another one Doesn't have wealth because one person Has the habits of not only building but Maintaining wealth so what was my plan What was my habit that allowed me to Start becoming successful now back in 2020 uh literally when everything bad Hit the fan right you had like the Lockdowns and the crazy plague that kind Of took over the world you know I Literally lost everything again for the Third time so when I looked past the Three times that I made a bunch of money I lost it very shortly right after I Made it now this fourth time coming up I Wanted to make sure that I had a Long-term plan and I wanted to make sure That I had a long-term habit where I Could essentially Park my wealth as I Made it and that's when I actually read You know books like for example Prof First as well as a simple plan to wealth And essentially what it has me do is Every single time I make money and Income from my businesses that I go Ahead and generate I go ahead and the Melee deducted debited to a brokerage Company that I don't see it's kind of Like an eternal savings account where I Don't touch it and instead that Automatically starts investing in like For example index funds so that I don't Actually have to think and essentially What happens the reason why that works
Is because you don't have any human Error like every single two weeks money Gets deducted money gets deducted money Gets deducted into my eternal savings Account and I just don't look at it Maybe I look at it once every year but When I look at it I'm like damn I Accidentally saved that much money and Again when you have just money sitting In your bank account and you don't have The habit of not only taking it out Saving it and investing it right you're Never going to become wealthy right Broke people don't understand this broke People like oh I have all this money in My bank account let me just go ahead and Spend it and I am guilty of this if I See a lot of money in my bank account I Will naturally want to find ways to Spend it I will justify that it is okay To spend it just because I have money in The bank but when I automatically deduct It in terms of a habit every single two Weeks it goes to a separate brokerage Account I literally look at it and I'm Like whoa I accidentally became Rich you Need to develop the habit of building That the third money habit that's Keeping you poor is you're trading your Time for money now think about this it Doesn't matter how much money you make Per hour if you do not find a way to Trade your time for money and actually Make your money work for yourself you
Will literally work until you die if you Don't find a way to make money in your Sleep you will work until you die so What the wealthy people understand is Like well how can I actually get Leverage how can I get other people to Do the hard work how can I get media Like these videos to do the hard work How can I do code and software to do the Hard work they understand that if you Want to go ahead and make money you need To apply some type of Leverage right now Poor people don't understand this poor People like well if I want to go ahead And make more money I will trade more Time for my money right if it's going to Be done it's I'm gonna have to do it Myself right if you want to do good work You got to go ahead and do it by Yourself you know I had this ingrained Into me ever since I was a child because When Mom and Dad wanted to make more Money guess what they did they traded More time for it when we couldn't afford My college education guess what Mom and Dad worked an extra shift when Mom and Dad couldn't go ahead and afford you Know the bills he had to go ahead or she Had to go ahead and work another 10 Hours so you need to understand this Right because if you're just trading Your time for money and you're Concentrating your time for money you're Never going to go ahead and break free
You're never going to go ahead and live The life that you want you're never Going to go ahead and create freedom for Yourself you need to separate your time From your money and how I was able to do That again is get other people to do the Hard work get you know media to do the Hard work and get code and get softwares To go ahead and do the hard work now the Fourth money habit that keeps poor People broke is their associations now Here's the thing okay I can tell you Exactly who you are based off of who Your friends are I can tell you how much Money you have in your bank account Based off of how much money your friends Have in your bank account the reason why Your friends are very very important or Let their lack of is because if they Have no money they have thoughts and Beliefs and actions and lifestyle Patterns that are creating the reason Why they don't have any money and if you Spend most of your time with them guess What you are going to do you're gonna Also have the same thoughts actions Beliefs habits as them so it's very very Hard to become wealthy it's very hard For them to become rich the reason why I Got rich is there was a moment in my Life where all my friends thought I was Crazy I was like reading books I was Going to seminars I was going to events I stopped drinking and they're like whoa
Mike is different Mike's changed yeah Because I want to go and focus on my Future right and I literally had to cut A lot a lot most of all of them off Because it wasn't serving me right and I Knew it's either I have to stay the same To fit in and continue being broke like All my friends for the rest of my life Or I had to change into different choose Different associations what completely Change when I started meeting people That were making way more money than me I remember I get invited to this dinner Table in Singapore and it was just crazy Because I felt super insecure I felt Super stupid compared to everybody else But that's when I knew I was in the Right room if you are not feeling Insecure amongst your peers if you're Not feeling like stupid amongst your Peers you are in the wrong room I look To the person on my left right he was Making a million dollars a month profit I looked to the person on the right he Did 14 million dollars in about seven Days in a launch I saw people making a Hundred grand a day and I was like whoa Screw my hundred grand a year screw my Like possible income if I was gonna be a Doctor dentist lawyer nurse who you Associate with will completely change Everything LeBron those people is They're like oh well you know my friends Have been friends with me since I was in
High or my friends might be my drinking Partner since college and they are so Afraid of having any type of conscious Thought of of understanding what they Actually want to create out of their Life and instead they settle for Mediocre and the quiet desperate lives Because oh they just want the love and Attention and validation of their friend Poor people need to get rid of this in Order to become successful now the fifth Habit that keep poor people poor is they Don't respect their time they literally Don't respect their time if someone's Complaining and arguing with them guess What they will take the time out of Their day the productive day to go ahead And argue with this person and complain About some dumb things like the news or Some sports or something like that by The time they're done with work and they Give someone else their time that makes Them Rich they go ahead and sit home and Watch Netflix for four hours poor people Do not respect their time understand This one day you are gonna die one day I'm gonna die one day all of us are Gonna die we have a certain amount of Time on this Earth and you're literally Giving it to somebody and saying oh You're only worth eight dollars an hour You're only worth twenty dollars out You're only worth thirty dollars an hour You need to find a way to to build their
Business you need to find a way to scale You need to find a way to sell a product Or service at scale because if you don't It means that you do not respect your Time you just want to go ahead and check In and check out and get a job and work For somebody else and make somebody else Rich without actually building anything For yourself wealthy people respect Their time if it takes me some time to Go and do something and it takes away my Time and energy and doesn't put money in My pocket I do not do that if someone Comes to me and argues and complains and Wants to play the victim and wants to You know have an argument with me or Negotiate with me and they're not adding Any value in my life guess what I do not Entertain a conversation with them my Time is very precious my attention is Very precious and the more you just give It away to people that don't care about You or don't actually have some net Positive in that relationship where the Relationship has no Roi or return Investment of your time and your energy Then why are you talking about it poor People just spend time with people just Because they have no one else to spend To because their lives are already Boring you need to find a way to respect Your time and the only way to respect Your time is you need to learn how to Respect yourself now the six money habit
That poor people have that keep them Poor is they have a bad identity about Themselves right now finish my sentences Money is the root of all you probably Said evil money doesn't grow on you Probably set trees you work really Really hard until you You probably said die think about this In your mind you finish that sentence Where you work really really hard until You Die and already the thoughts in your Brain are saying yeah why am I actually Already thinking about it is because you Were taught about money and wealth Principles from your parents from your Friends from your teachers and you have Adopted their way of thinking on how to Build wealth but when you look at how Much money that they have would you Actually want the results that is like You taking advice on how to get a Six-pack from someone that's obese That's like you taking relationship Advice from the loser in high school College that got no girls you are taking Advice from people that have no like Ideal or results that you want so why Are you accepting their dogmatic Approach on life their beliefs their Thoughts their actions it just doesn't Make any sense well people understand That their identity is kind of like a Thermostat if you don't like the amount
Of money that you have in your bank Account it's because your thermostat is At a low level when you spend money Right like a thermostat if it gets too Hot the coolers hit on and then it goes Back down when it gets too cold the Heaters come back up and it goes back at Homeostasis your identity is a Homeostasis your identity is at a set Point and that set point is broke and What the wealthy people understand is in Order for them to increase their Thermostat that their identity of how They see themselves they need to adopt a New way of thinking because thoughts Turn into emotions turn into actions Turn into results when you do those Actions over and over again over a Repeated amount of time that is what Creates your lifestyle the only thing That Separates Me from you is I just Have different thoughts as you and Because of that that turns into Different daily actions in the form of Habits and when habits are repeated over And over again every single day it Compounds into a beautiful life and if You want to know how I was able to go Ahead and create those habits and build The time money and location freedom to Live around the world and travel around The world with the people that I care About it makes you sign up for this Week's free Workshop below because we
Literally have people go from zero to 30 Grand a month in five to eight weeks