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Here are 9 things I stopped buying to make more money.
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Why are you spending money on dumb Things like why like like seriously ask Yourself why are you spending money on Things that aren't actually making you Wealthy and making you rich I know you Go ahead and see people on Instagram I Know you guys see people on social media And you see them spending money well Here's the thing you're not making any Money so why are you going to go ahead And justify popping bottles why are you Gonna go ahead and justify going on Traveling why are you going to go ahead And justify eating out when you Literally have no money and this is one Of the things that I needed to go ahead And realize earlier on because you know When I started seeing people on social Media and I started seeing people making Money I was jealous in the fact that They were able to go ahead and spend the Money so what I do I do dumb things like Thinking that I needed to spend money to Look cool in front of my friends or in Front of my family so I could look like I'm succeeding but that was one of the Dumbest things like why would you go Ahead and spend money you don't have to Impress people you don't even like and I Know that in life there's certain levels To the game and one of the worst things That you could do start overspending Before you actually go ahead and make Money so I'm telling you this right now
You're watching this right now you Probably know the people that you follow On Instagram you probably see the Stories of people traveling around the World and you're completely jealous You're probably really feeling alone on The fact that you have no one cool to Travel around the world with you Probably feel like your life sucks so What you want to do is you feel like you Got to go ahead and justify that you're Cool so you spend a bunch of money that You don't even have to go ahead and Impress people you don't even like and Then you realize wow this lifestyle is Very very hard to maintain when you have No money and I know this I know this Because I was overspending when I was Younger and I wanted to go ahead and Look cool in front of my friends I was Overspending because I wanted to go Ahead and make my ex-girlfriend jealous And make her make her think that I'm Cooler than I actually was on social Media I want to go ahead and improve all Of my friends that I was actually Successful but while I was going in and Doing all these things even though it Looked like I was successful on paper or On social media I was literally burning Myself a hole to the point where maybe If I would have failed I probably would Have had to move back home with my mom And dad
And luckily luckily I had the mindset to Realize that I was an idiot and I was Dumb and I was stupid I was spending a Bunch of money on on things that wasn't Actually doing anything for me and I Knew deep down I had to go ahead and Give things up and I'm telling this Right now if you're looking at people on Social media and you're like well wow They're living a good life and you think You need to go ahead and spend money Just so that people think you're cool It's the dumbest thing you could Possibly do why not just make a bunch of Money and then when you make a bunch of Money you could take a little bit out of It and then just use that to go and live A good life so here were the things that I had to go and give up if I really Wanted to go ahead and become rich and Really want to go ahead and make money So the first one expensive rent right Now I have expensive rent but that's Because I make more than the actual cost For this rent one of the dumbest things That you could ever do is when you think That you're starting to make money for The first time is to get expensive rent Because you don't know if this is going To be a one-trick pony you don't know if You're gonna just this is the only time That you're gonna go ahead and make Money and this is exactly what I did Okay
So I remember I was living at home with My mom and dad in 2015 I started going From like 0 to 30 grand a month to 100 Grand a month guess where I lived at Home with Mom and Dad why because I Didn't know if this thing that I was Doing to make money online I didn't Think it was going to last forever I Didn't know it was going to last forever I thought it was just a glitch in the System for someone like me to go ahead And make money someone who was supposed To be studying dental school someone Who's supposed to be following the Asian Tradition of going to school get grades Get a job I didn't know how long this Internet money thing was going to last So earlier on even though I was making Money even though I had six figures in My bank account at the end of 2015 I Still lived at home with Mom and Dad why Because rent was free rent was free not Only that was food it was free you know Like my mom's super Filipino she would Go ahead and see me in a fast and she Would go ahead and be like Why don't you can go ahead and eat and Just like that she would go ahead and Cook chicken and rice and I did not have To spend money on food I think the most Expensive thing that I spent around that Time was just like kombucha drinks that Was essentially it right like my little Three dollar drink right that's like
Very very frizzy that's all I really Spend money on the rent was free the Food was free I lived at home with my Mom and dad because I did not know how Long this wealth is going to go ahead And for example last and the dumbest Thing that I see people see and do is They make their first 10 grand a month They make their first 30 grand month and Then they start living above their means They start blowing things on like nice Apartments they start spending several Thousands of dollars on like on rent in A city that they might not necessarily Want to live in and they before you know It they start buying things that make Them stuck shackles to a city and then They can't go ahead and travel and I Knew earlier on that one of my biggest Values was freedom I wanted to go ahead And like get up and leave if I wanted to I did not want to be stuck in the same Place and I saw so many people my Friends people that didn't even make Money online that work regular jobs they Immediately got themselves golden Handcuffs and they went and got like for Example an expensive apartment in the Middle of the city now in that moment in Time I can't tell you enough I hated Myself because of the fact that I felt Like a loser I normally money than all My friends but I I for some reason felt So little because I couldn't fit in with
The nice place I was ashamed of myself You know like people that that kept a Job they had nicer apartments in me and Here I was living at home with Mom and Dad I generally felt like a loser but I Knew deep down that long-term wise that Was going to be the best thing for me Because while my friends were just Blowing a bunch of money on an apartment That they couldn't even afford I was Focusing on freedom I was focusing on Stacking up money so that I could go Ahead and live in Asia I was focusing on The points where I could literally have A bunch of cash where I could Start saving aggressively from an early Retirement I did not want what my Friends had or what they were going to And that is working till the rest of the Life so I knew earlier on all of my Friends are getting expensive rents and If all my friends are getting expensive Rents and they're going to end up in a Very crappy life why would I follow them Just really ask yourself you know right Now you know you probably want to go Ahead and have the same situation you Probably compare yourself to somebody Else you know like oh that person has a Nice apartment that person has a nice Car that person has a nice thing and you Think in order for you to fit in you got To go ahead and buy something similar That's the dumbest thing that's
Literally the dumbest thing I even have That with like for example watches right I did not want to go ahead and buy this Watch just because all my friends were Getting like nice watches I did not but As I started making more money as I Started making more money as long as it Was like a very very small fraction of My wealth I could then justify that Purchase but the problem most people is People go ahead and buy expensive rent Apartments when it's literally 90 of Their income and what are you saving What are you investing do you want to go And work and hustle for the rest of your Life do you want to go ahead and die Continually working without actually Having any time to be free I did not Want that I didn't want to be a slave to A job I didn't want to be a slave to Trading my time for money so I knew that I had to sacrifice looking cool on paper And just get low rent or free by just Living at home with my mom and dad and Just eating food literally bumming off My mom and dad like getting the free Food stacking up cash so that I can Prepare for my next five or ten year Battle plan does that make sense now the Second thing that I literally stopped Spending money on was dates like Literally around this time I just this Essentially became celibate I Essentially became monogamous I did not
Really focus on going out and dating why Because number one I lived at home with Mom and Dad like I can go ahead and Bring girls back to Mom and Dad are you Seriously like they would go ahead and For example discipline me I can go ahead And do that when literally my entire Life Mom and Dad saw me as like their Little boy and then now I'm just Literally bringing girls from the clubs So around this period of time again it Was the worst worst Source situation Possibly happened in my love life you Know in college I had this girl that I Was dating for three or four years and When I left dent school she stayed in College and I went back home she was Traveling and doing all these things and Having fun probably had a way better Dating life than I did and I just felt Like an idiot and a loser on the fact That no I couldn't date at all because I Couldn't bring any girl back to my home I couldn't do that right I remember we Had to leave our bigger house because we Couldn't afford it and we moved back to My childhood home which was way too Small there was no privacy there was no Privacy so in that period of time I Essentially did not sleep around I was Essentially celibate I didn't go ahead And for example date a bunch of women Because why I couldn't bring them back Home and all of that period of time I
Didn't realize at the time well number One You know I I got a lot of energy back Because I wasn't focusing on just Chasing a bunch of women and number two I wasn't spending money on dates I Wasn't worried if like she was gonna go And get that expensive side of the menu I'd literally could just focus on my Business now I'm telling you this right Now you're probably gonna be like that's That's dumb that's stupid Mike I don't Want to go and do this well I can tell You how painful that was to see my Friends in college have amazing daily Lives have nice apartments and here I Was even though I had more money than Them I stayed at home with my mom and Dad eating their food having no dating Life and I sacrificed those years So that I could live a good life now and I can tell you this right now my dating Life is great now but guess what I have My money right I have my fitness right I Have the relationships with powerful men Right you got to understand like as a Man there's always time to date there's Always time today do you understand that As a man your dating life gets better as You age like in your 30s and your 40s And your 50s I see people in their 50s In their in their 40s people that I know That are very successful that have Amazing dating lives they have amazing
Dating lives and I just had to sacrifice Several years like literally several Years in the beginning in my early 20s To make sure that I could position Myself for a better dating life like Later on and again I can tell you this When I'm in that moment when I was in That moment and I wasn't dating and I Was living at home with Mom and Dad and And I I couldn't go ahead and attract a Girl I felt like a loser I felt so Insecure I felt like all my friends are Having amazing dating lives and I I Fomo'd hard I had this huge fear of Missing out and I I had this like very Very tight-knit trauma of seeking Validation from for example other men And other of women because in that Period of time I literally gave it all Up just to focus on my business to take All that energy that was that I was Using to seek validation from other men And other women and I just put it all in My business like a freaking maniac and Literally in that moment in time I went From zero to 1.5 million dollars in 12 Months in Revenue with several six Figures in profits and then and then I Started focusing on my dating but when You have no money why are you focusing On dating it's stupid it's a waste of Time I can't tell you this enough I have Spent so much money on dating seminars On dating gurus on going to like boot
Camps I'm going to Vegas every single You know several months when I started Making money and I would see the same Idiots going out with the leather Jackets talking all these girls that That were annoyed at these guys because They never actually became a men of Substance they didn't actually grow into The person they were constantly chasing Women when what they should have been Chasing was growing themselves and again It's such an easier thing right many People they take a dull ax and then they Go ahead and chop a tree down but then It takes years and years and years of Their life to chop a tree down but what You need to understand is many smart People will spend most of the time Sharpening their acts and in one small Swoop they'll go ahead and chop down the Tree now that's the exact same thing With your dating and who you are and Your personality and the man that you've Become you are literally adult acts you Have nothing going on for yourself you Have no money whatsoever you have like No powerful friends you you have nothing Going on for you and yet you're taking Your adult personality and you're Throwing yourself out in the world For what for what for a girl to that You're essentially going to end up with That you're not essentially attracted to That she doesn't go ahead and respect
You because you never became a person That actually deserves respect does that Make sense and I can only tell you this Wholeheartedly because this was me this Was me this was literally me because I Thought that if I just spent a lot of Time chasing women and I got this Validation and this approval from other Women and other men who thought I would Be cool because in that period of time I Felt like a loser I thought I thought That would actually cost me happiness But it did not it did not and one of the Things that I did is I literally had to Go ahead and either essentially become Celibate or monogamous or not focused on Dates and just focus all in on my Business until it got to the point where It started succeeding the third thing That I started you know just giving up On was unnecessary travel right like all My friends were going out on on weekends All my friends were traveling and going To holidays and and this was literally Before I made money but I can tell you This also when I started making money And then I lost it again for the third Time I remember I was like in Bali and It was the third time that I lost a Bunch of money and I completely felt Like an idiot and I knew that I needed To go ahead and succeed and grow and all My friends were gonna go ahead and go to This place and travel and do some cool
Water activities and I love water Activities like I can't tell you this Enough I generally love going to places And doing like water sports and all that Stuff I don't know what it is about the Water or nature maybe it's just my People right like my Filipino background I just love being around water and doing Things and I knew that I could not do That I did not deserve to do that Because many of the times when you go Ahead and for example do things like Travel right a lot of that is a reward For you doing hard work and I can tell You this wholeheartedly that I did not Deserve it in that moment in time so What I made a lot of bunch of money in The past I lost it all I literally lost It all well all my friends were all Celebrating life I knew that I did not Deserve to celebrate because my Businesses were dead my businesses were Dead so what I had to do is I literally Gave up unnecessary travel did it hurt Yes did I fomo yes all of my friends Thought I was ridiculous on why I did Not want to go ahead and go to certain Places with them it's just because I Didn't think it was the best thing like Why would you go ahead and reward Yourself with things when you aren't Doing anything in life so what I ended Up doing all my friends were like Traveling and I could tell you this it
Sucked it sucked seeing your friends Having fun and you're just at home right It sucks looking out the window and Saying oh wow look at all the people Having fun outside and you're just stuck Studying this is literally my entire Life but guess what when I started Focusing on money again and I started Not rewarding myself with unnecessary Travel until I got to a point where I Could actually have the passive income Coming in from guess what I did now I Have like one Epic experience every Single month once a month I literally go Ahead and take you know my crew and and The woman that I'm seeing and I we just Go places we'll go to Paris we'll days Will go to Dubai we've got all these Places we're having an amazing time for A week we just focus on fun and creating Content all these things but that Wouldn't be the point if I did not allow Myself to deserve it by working hard and Busting my butt every single day but I'm Literally at home creating content all Of the travels reward Again if you're rewarding yourself for Behavior that's not putting money in Your pocket then why are you rewarding Yourself you're then only going to train Yourself to essentially be lazy right Like for me I don't go on dates I don't Literally get expensive rent I don't do Travel unless it's a reward for me doing
Something and I'm telling this right now Most of the people that are watching This you're rewarding yourself for bad Behavior you are rewarding yourself for Bad behavior if you told yourself that You're not going to go out on a date Until you had x amount of dollars in Your bank account you'll figure out a Way to make more money if you told Yourself that you're not going to go Ahead and travel with all your friends And you're in a fomo because you don't Have X amount of dollars in your bank Account you're going to find a way to Get x amount of dollars in your bank Account you gotta go ahead and sacrifice Because many of these things that you're Giving yourself are rewards for Behaviors that aren't actually putting More money in your pocket right The fourth thing that I gave out is Eating out again even when I had money Right even right now to this day when Money is good guess what I don't eat out Like literally I don't eat out even on a Daily basis I will only reward myself For dinner eating out if I actually Deserved it if I created a bunch of Content if I built something successful Right and I tell you this for the most Time even now even though I I make more Money in like a month than I would have My entire year as a dentist there are Times where I'm like okay oh I didn't do
Hard work today you know what I'm gonna Do I'm just gonna eat six eggs I'm Literally just gonna go ahead go to the Supermarket right like like literally Just like someone in college who's Living off of the ramen noodle diet the Taco Bell diet I'm gonna go get a carton Of eggs and that's what I'm gonna eat For lunch six hard-boiled eggs something So boring and so plain and nothing right That this is but it's nutritious so That's literally all I would go ahead And eat I didn't focus on eating out Even to this day I will not eat out Unless I've deserved it throughout the Work that I had in the the date but yet A lot of you guys are spending money on Just eating out I had a friend who spent Three grand in a single month on Freaking Chipotle and he was constantly Complaining on why he was broken still Living and hoping Mom and Dad you were Spending money rewarding yourself eating Out when you should just be focusing on On literally work building a business Doing something right if I were to tell You that you were only allowed to eat Eggs unless you started making money Right you would you would get so sick of The eggs that you're like you know what I should probably start making money and I even put this to this day like even Though I like eat like in nice Restaurants and have nice steak if I
Didn't earn it in lunchtime or in the Middle of the day I will only eat eggs I Will literally only boil some eggs over There just put it in there for like six Minutes crack it with not even any salt I'll just eat six eggs oh that's my Lunch so boring but yet food in my mind Is a reward for me doing hard work does That make sense right and again if most People started thinking about all of the Input and all the good things that you Want out of life as a reward you're Going to stop buying it until you Actually deserve it the fifth one that I Started not spending money on is alcohol Like why would you go ahead and spend Money on things that mess up your Freaking sleep you wake up completely Groggy you can't even think you have no Energy to create and you think you're Going to become successful I can't tell you this enough in college I had so many friends spend so much Money on alcohol and they were always Complaining while they were why they Were broke well I don't know how much You spend at the bar this weekend how Much did you spend at the clubs this Weekend your money is is going in a Place you have the money to go ahead and Invest in courses to go ahead and build Businesses you're just valuing alcohol And your friendship with losers more so Than you value Freedom like you may want
To travel around the world you may want To be free but your actions of spending Money on alcohol shows me that you value Your your broke friends and your Close-up friends and and drinking away Your your sad life For you you value that more than Freedom You value that that's literally what You're telling me there's so many Friends that I even know today they're Like oh Mike you know I I want to be Healthy I want to go ahead and you know Be healthy like you I want to go ahead And make money well what are you doing On your weekends I see you drinking I See you putting that bottle to your head Every single week I'm at the clubs too I'm not freaking Drinking and you're complaining that you Have no money you're complaining that You're not in the best shape of your Life you you may think that you want a Better body you may think that you want To make more money but the fact that you Are drinking shows me that you don't Really care about it and if you really Did truly want to become successful you Would give up drinking you would give up Drinking there are many times in my life Well y'all drink y'all drink but again It is only a reward if I truly deserve It if I truly deserve it for the day Again many of you guys you don't deserve It you don't deserve it at all the sixth
Thing you got to go ahead and stop Spending money on is nightlife what are You doing out in the club popping Bottles spending money on drinks trying To go to and and and and go ahead and Hit on girls that you don't even have Some type of long-term similar values With for what for what so that you could Go ahead and just like sneeze out you Know like a little intimate sneeze and Literally just go ahead and just have Some crazy story Why you have no you have nothing going On for you what are you doing Celebrating life you ever see those People out like just in the clubs in the Bars the reason why they do that is Because they hate their lives they are So off track from the life that they Wanted that they need to need they need To numb their brains on the weekend to Go ahead and and just forget it all just Forget it all just so they they could go Back to their job on Monday and just Completely hate their life give up your Nightlife man you could always like do You understand as a man you could always Have a nightlife when you have money why Are you going to go going to go ahead And go to The Nightlife when you Literally have no money you can't afford It you literally can't afford it you're Just you're just prolonging and Inevitable which is a horrible life for
The rest of your life the seventh one is Crypto right the reason why you're Spending money on crypto right now is Because you want like some get rich Quick fix you hate your life and you Just want a lottery where you feel like If this coin just pumps I'm gonna go and Make money and I took this this was one Of my biggest pain points in like 2017 And 18 I was building businesses and I Threw that all away because of my greed In crypto I was like you know what I'm Just gonna start spending money all this Crypto because if one of these like 100x I'm set I'm set I could be like 100 Millionaire and I never have to work Ever again and again it's that that need For an easier life that's what ruins you That's literally what rooms you the need To be lazy they need to go ahead and Chase something that essentially has no Utility yet right where everything is Just like a casino and it's gambling oh That's all it is it's gambling right Many of these projects aren't cash Flowing many of these projects aren't Even businesses they're all hype right And I remember when I was spending money On crypto even though I was making money I was still losing more money because Number one I was investing things that I Didn't understand and number two I was Filming out on projects just for the Riches instead of growing as a person
And I'm telling this right now even if You did make money with crypto and you Have no money I think that's one of the Worst things you could go ahead and do Because then you've never actually Learned the skill set on what it means To network through people to build Wealth to grow wealth because you Literally just got lucky like do you Know I know people that are worth tens Of millions hundreds of millions just in Crypto and they're complete losers they Are complete losers they are walked all Over by women no men of of respectable Men respects them at all And and no one really just they're just Taking advantage of do you really want That like I literally see people that Are worth so much money and they still Have like a bedtime because their wife Is like you need to be home at a certain Time because they never learned what it Was like to actually build their Character when you make money off of Crypto and you depend on crypto it takes Away from you actually building your Character because the success and wealth That came to your life didn't come from Your own doing so deep down you'll Always have this trauma of thinking that You don't actually deserve the wealth so You will spend most of your time seeking Validation from other people and losing All of your money and no one else around
You respects you does that make sense The eighth one that I started stopped Spending money on was Investments that I Didn't understand like why are you gonna Go and invest something if you don't Understand it like I can only tell you This because I did this so many times I Can tell you when I remember having my First like six figures in my bank Account and I was like you know what I'm I'm the I'm like I'm the best freaking Entrepreneur in the world look at me Having all this money six figures in my Bank account right just thinking I was Like the coolest thing known to men that I was like like the greatest thing and I Just thought that I was like the best Investor known I met and I started Investing things that I did not Understand because I thought everything That I touched during a gold and it Didn't it didn't you understand that There were so many times that I went and Spend money on things that didn't Actually give me a return and and I just Started losing things left and right and Hurting myself and and not making any Money and then losing all the money that I ended up making I tell you this right Now when you go ahead and make money you Only want to invest in things that are Your core competencies what do you Already know what you're doing what are You spending money on what do you know
Like on the back of your hand that that You're spending money on and you know You're your pain points you know that's Exactly that's what like someone else Would go ahead and do stop spending Money and investing on things just Because of a pump just because you think You're going to get rich when what is Truly valuable is the person you become After going through so many struggles And so many struggles and so many Challenges of you becoming the best Version of yourself and the ninth thing That you want to go ahead and give up is Fast food now I have this friend man he Makes like good money sometimes 30 to 60 Grand a month and he was telling me he's Like yeah you know what Mike I'm gonna Go ahead and save money I'm buying Chinese food today and I'm gonna do that Tomorrow and the next day because it's So cheap look how much money I'm saving And I'm like are you freaking serious Are you freaking serious you are Spending money on food that is literally Killing you there is so much food that If you think oh it's so expensive I'm Gonna go get the cheaper food do you Know that the cheaper food is actually More expensive because it's ruining your Your health meaning you're going to live Less life you're going to live a lot Like you're not going to live as long And then you're going to die early all
That food that you think is cheap that You think you're saving money that is Actually killing you that is actually Killing you and it's actually costing You money because now you're not not Going to be as alive for a long the Dumbest thing you could do is spend Money on crappy food because that crappy Food you think you're saving money but You're not you are literally slowly Killing yourself and you are not saving Money because all money is is a unit of Time if you're going to go ahead and Ruin your health to save money then what You're doing is you're shortening your Time spend and that becomes one of the Most expensive things that you could Possibly do so stop spending money on Fast food get the more expensive meal go Move back home with Mom and Dad and get Some healthy food from Mom and Dad have Them spend the money right what you guys Understand is if you want to go out and Succeed you need to focus on absolute Growth in yourself you need to take full Responsibility and you need to become The best version of yourself And if you need help with that we Literally have a bunch of links in the Resources below if you want a personal Brand we got you book a call with us if You want to go and start an e-commerce Business start an e-commerce business if You want to know the fast way to make
Money online check out the free Workshop Below