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This is how to deal with trauma in past relationships.

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So he's got to deal with trauma with Your past relationships now this was Kind of the weirdest thing right you Know I didn't think that I had trauma in My past relationships but for some Reason every single time I was dating Someone every single time it ended up The same interiors and fighting and Arguing in con conflict and I started Wondering why is it that every single Time I date somebody it always ends up Bad it always sounds about it doesn't Matter if it's one years two years two Years four years right it could be a Month every single time I had a Beautiful relationship in the start it Always ended up very very ugly now why Is that well here's the thing the number One thing that you understand is you Need to deal with the trauma at its Source with that is essentially the Relationship with your mom and dad right So every single relationship that you Have right now that you had in the past The reason why it didn't work out is Because you have not overcome trauma not In the past relationships but literally In your past like like formative years When you were younger and you would see Mom and dad fight for example here's Mine right my entire life my dad was Very very sad I didn't understand why he Was very very sad and I don't understand Why my mom was secretly always angry at

My dad but as I started learning more About their story this is exactly what Happened so my dad was an entrepreneur Right he was an entrepreneur in the Philippines making good money And when he lost a bunch of money that's When he decided to get married now my Mom got a really good job as a nurse oh Surprise Filipino woman she was a nurse Right and she ended up calling two for Example America right and at that moment In time my dad had this kind of Conundrum he's like do I go ahead and Follow her do I go ahead and continue Building my business and he ended up Following her now he's literally in America he had no resources for his Entrepreneurship career he had no Businesses right and now my mom was the Sole Breadwinner and because me and my Sister were born they're freaking out About money right they were literally They weren't financially ready and they Needed to freak out and actually go Ahead and make money so obviously my mom Would literally tell my dad be like hey Stop doing this thing go ahead and get a Job so my mom led the relationship my Dad got a job but deep down he didn't Want the job he literally deep down Didn't want the job but he chose it and As years passed he got older and older And older and older he started drinking Right he started drinking because he had

All this entrepreneurship energy and There was something in the back of mine That was like very very angry on why he He just didn't build the business Because Mom was leading the relationship Right and this is kind of like the Beginning of it right where Dad gets off Of his purpose as a man follows woman And start listening to his woman uh Which is good right it's good but if you Lose track of your purpose you literally Slowly start dying inside as a man for a Man to actually feel love he needs to be On his purpose for a man to feel loved He needs to be respected and there was a Moment in time where it's like you know They're constantly fighting because my Mom was always making more money than my Dad and my dad needed to go ahead and For example work and work and work and Work and work and this is essentially The start and the birth of the trauma Right so essentially as I got older I'm Talking about like eight or ten or Twelve like my earliest memories man They were just constantly fighting about The money they're constantly fighting About oh you don't have the money or we Don't have the money or we can't do this And they're constantly yelling and then They have to sleep in opposite beds Because of the fact that my mom worked Like crazy easy shifts and my Dad were Crazy shifts and they were always

Opposite so they needed their sleep And every single time when I was like Younger it was like that was that was it Right they were constantly fighting they Were constantly fighting they were Constantly fighting so obviously when I See two people that made me constantly Fighting in my mind I'm like thinking oh Well if I want to go ahead and have a Loving relationship how do I communicate With them probably I should fight Probably I should argue probably I Should just scream and yell and do all These things and I started realizing huh Why does this look like every single one Of my relationships now it's because That's what I learned when I was younger To the most point where here's how crazy It is right it's like it's the exact Same thing I thought like people would Tell me oh you end up reliving the same Relationship that you had with your mom And dad right you end up reliving I was Like that will never happen to me that Will never happen to me so I'm not like Successful I'm making money I'm Traveling around the world and I find Myself in Asia and the exact same thing Happened right it was like here is a Girl I moved in right loved her to death But I didn't know how to actually Chase My purpose more so than chasing her not Getting mad right and she would start Leading the relationship she's like we

Need to go here we would go there we Would go here and I didn't know how to Say freaking no because I was weak maybe I was trying to be too much of a Mr Nice Guy right And I was I was constantly wondering how Every single time I didn't say no the Relationship got worse and worse and Worse and worse and worse to the point Where she was like I want to go ahead And move here now deep down I did not Want to go ahead and move there right Say it was like Argentina or something Like that she's like I want to go and Move to Argentina I was like I don't Necessarily want to go to Argentina and Then after this time you know I started You know spending all this money on for Example to answer workshops and Spirituality and I was like I don't know If I want to go and then you know my Tantra teacher was like you need to Understand that you relive the same Relationship as your parents I was like Ah that didn't happen to me and then I Started journaling and writing I was Like oh whoa this is the exact same Thing that happened Dad giving up Entrepreneurship to go ahead and follow Women's going on the side of the world To go out and get a job and in this Moment in time I was the exact same Thing almost the ability to give up Entrepreneurship to follow a woman on

The other side of the world why I didn't Want to go and do that and in that Moment in time it was one of the hardest Things but I realized that it's like the Relationship got ruined not because of The the woman that I was dating but Because I didn't know how to actually Set the certain frames of actually Knowing how to say no because I was Afraid of the emotionality I was afraid Of the argument I didn't want to go Ahead and experience what I experienced When I was a kid seeing mom and dad Fight so my obvious like for example Set default was when people are fighting Just be quiet and say Yes dear Yes dear Yes dear hearing all these things like When I was younger happy wife happy life Right and all of these programmings that I was programming as a child to go and See oh well this is exactly how to get a Good relationship and I saw my dad kind Of dealt with you know the wrath of my Mother right and for some reason that's Exactly what I was doing I was like just Trying to say you're just reliving the Exact same mistakes with my parents I Started realizing this and one of the Hardest things that I have to go and do Is literally end that relationship that Was one of the hardest things that I Ended up doing because I deeply deeply Cared about her but I knew that it was Already too late it was literally

Already too late and for me to deal with The past traumas in my relationship I Had to First figure out what was going On with my parents and I had to go ahead And heal that does that make sense right Now the next thing that you need to go Ahead and do is you need to see how you Communicated with each other and that is Your mental model of the world and other Relationships so I figured out what my Mental model was of relationships mom Would freak out and be emotional dad Would want to appease her by just Calming down and saying okay yesterday Then I started realizing in every single Relationship that's exactly what Happened to the point where I would say Yes to your too much where I would get Angry at myself and I would lose respect For myself and I would lose confidence In myself right so I started realizing I Got to stop doing that right when I Actually want to go and say no I have to Say no when I want to say yes I want to Go and say yes right it's like Boundaries you need to go ahead and do That the problem most men and women is They don't know exactly how to express Boundaries so they essentially one party Becomes unhappier Through Time right the Third thing is you don't fall in love With what is healthy you fall in love With what is familiar right repeat this You don't fall in love with what is

Healthy you fall in love with what is Familiar so here's the thing right human Beings they have so many different Personality traits but what you will do Is when the person that you love the Most when they start showing signs of Your parents's relationship you start Double Downing on that you start Bringing that out of them and before you Know it you literally turn the woman That you're dating or the man that You're dating into your father into your Mother that's literally it it's kind of Sick you literally go ahead and take This beautiful soul it could be whoever It is that you're dating You literally turned them into your Opposite sex parent you you literally do That not any you do that you do that Because you didn't understand that the Way that you communicate Brings that out of them when if you Learn how to communicate the other way You could actually bring something Better out of them the best version of Their selves right the fourth one is you Need to find out how your mom and dad Communicated with each other and find Out how you adopted those unhealthy Habits in your past and current Relationships so just get wrong all the Patterns are there all the red flags Were there all of your red flags were There look at it when you start

Realizing that every single relationship That you had in your past was because That's exactly what you learned from Mom And Dad you start realizing oh I'm an Idiot I'm dumb I'm stupid because it's Literally that's literally what happened I'm like wondering oh why is all my Relationships happening like this why Are they all ending like this it's Because I didn't actually overcome Something I didn't overcome something The problem most people is they don't Figure this out in their 40s 50s and 60s There was a time when I was in Bali and I was like doing all the spirituality And one of the people that that I was Like learning from the like come to Malaga Spain and I'll fly you out and Teach business to all these spirituality People intention people in in the in the Mountains of Spain not literally there And every single one that I saw was in Their 40s 50s and 60s crying because They didn't realize that they figured Out too late and I'm so glad and blessed That I figured out in my 20s than I did In my 30s 40s and 50s you've got to Realize that every single relationship That you have was based off of the Relationship that you learned from your Parents so stop reliving the exact same Pain because you're going to just wind Up in the exact same relationship right The next thing that you need to go ahead

And do is you need to go ahead and if You don't heal the trauma you Experienced when you were young you are Destined to take the trash from your Parents relationship to your next Relationship and you'll be cursed to Live the same pain as your parents so You're not you need to go ahead and heal That you can't heal other people before You can heal yourself right and there's So many ways that you could go and heal It so obviously one way is like just if You're a man just getting into martial Arts Jiu Jitsu fighting Muay to all that Stuff just expressing all that anger That you would normally Express on your Loved one and just express it into the World and through like fighting right That's why a lot of people that come From broken homes find themselves in the Boxing gym right another thing you can Do what they learn in like Tantra is you Literally sit on a pillow and in front Of your pillow there's another pillow You want to close your eyes and Visualize the parent that you're angry With the most in front of them right in Front of you right so you want to close Your eyes and visualize it there's a Parent it's either your mom or your dad You're freaking angry at them okay now There's a lot of anger inside of you That you've never expressed to them Because you don't want to hurt them so

You just keep it bottled in you keep the Bottled in because that's what you think Is the best you respect them you love Them you don't want to let them know but You've never released it you've never Discharge this what you need to do is You need to almost visualize you Screaming and yelling at all the things That you were angry about them and Literally letting it go you need to hit The pillow hit the pillow there's a Reason why little kids when they're Younger and they go through tantrum they Hit on a pillow right it's a good thing They're releasing it so they're not Bringing it home to Mom and Dad right You got to do the exact same thing right Now go back to your younger childhood Self all the things that you wanted to Yell at your mom and dad for the the Parent that you were angry with the most Literally released it all right now it's Weird it feels immature but I'm telling You this right now it's one of the most Healing things that you could go to do I Remember doing this man it's like like I Would like to think that I'm a masculine Guy right and here's this Tantra teacher Saying hit a pillow hit a pillow mic and I'm like I could hit a punching bag Right why do I need to freaking hit this Pillow I'm hitting this pillow hitting The spill and I'm yelling at all the Things that I'm angry about my mom and

Dad mom and dad mom and dad and I Started realizing that once the anger Was released it was very hard for me to Feel angry anymore I had Decades of Anger inside of me that the moment was Released I I there was no space for Anger because all that was just finally Out it was like the anger gas tank was Empty now what happened after that was Sadness sadness on the fact that why was I angry at my mom and dad for so long When they literally only did what they Did because that's what they knew in That moment in time and after that it Was almost like gratitude as well as Like forgiveness forgiving them for for Raising me in the way that they did and Then realizing that I needed to learn From their mistakes and after only after You could actually forgive the pain that You felt from your parents can you Actually go ahead and get into the next Relationship that you have yourself now Here's the thing you only not have to do This for yourself but you have to do This for your loved ones okay you Literally need to go ahead and do this For your loved ones you need to be your Little Shaman your little tantrica for The person that you're with because if You don't they're gonna go and bring Their trauma into their into your Relationship and if you don't know Exactly how to go out and do that you

Need to focus on doing it for yourself Does that make sense the only reason why I'm able to do this and and facilitate This for the woman that I would be Dating is because I did this for myself Does that make sense The next thing you need to do is what You are angry about with this parent Express it and yell at that parent as if They were right in front of you when you Were angry about when you're younger That you've never fully expressed scream Let them hear it hit the pillow release The pain again you want to do this with Each parent you literally want to do This with each parent if you're angry at Your mother why if you're angry about Your father why literally look at this Right and what you need to go in and do With that is you need to understand that The thing that you're angry with the Most If you look back in your relationships That's what you've attracted in the next Relationship in the next relationship It's you're literally bringing what's Familiar with your initial relationship With your mother and your father into Your next relationship does that make Sense and once again the anger subsides It turns into understanding now here's The thing Know that whenever your partner does Something to trigger you it's not your

Partner's fault it's essentially how you Reacted the story you told yourself on What you've learned from your mom and Dad that is bringing all the baggage in Right because normally what happens is When one part of the couple gets Triggered the other person gets also Triggered as well and before you know it They're just attacking each other right When what you need to do is it doesn't Matter if you're the man or the woman When your other partner gets triggered You need to be the one that is calm and Collected and logical let them go and Express all these things understand and It's never attacked towards you and the Only reason why your relationship will Get bad is when you actually meet them At their level go have them take a walk Go have them hit a pillow go have them Journal right right but the thing that You cannot do the most is when they're In the most triggered State when they're Angry the most you cannot meet them at Their level because when you go ahead And do that then you literally that's When you essentially lose the Relationship and sometimes it's too late Sometimes it's too late because you have All this triggered trauma and it's Unhealthy right that is when you you Constantly gotta remember this I Remember when I was like you're just Getting out of the relationship right it

Was like you're constantly yelling and Fighting we didn't know how to Communicate and every single time she Would get very emotional guess what I Did I got very emotional I got very Emotional I lost my sanity I lost my Logic and that's that's the worst thing You could go out and do whenever you're In any relationship in trauma in the Past the reason why every relation from The future has been hard is because when There is a conflict when there is an Argument you do not keep your sanity and You don't see common logical many of the Times what you need to do is let them Freaking scream let them yell let them Do all these things have them go take a Walk but do not meet them at their level Because it's not going to go out and Heal it you need to be the person big Enough to see that it's not conducive or Productive to go out and yell and fight And scream and yell at each other right Just literally go ahead and have your Own space come back later on right the Next thing you need to do is you need to Ensure that your partner is also going And not making the same mistakes as Their parents as well This is the relationship Woman and man get together Amazing beautiful and then they start Having their first conflict so when they First have their first conflict the

Woman was like what did I learn about Conflict for Mom and Dad the man what Did I learn from conflict from Mom and Dad and then they start taking what they Learned and starting yelling at each Other many times because most of our Parents didn't know how to communicate You need to understand that you need to Lead by example and the other person Won't do it until you actually learn how To do it yourself does that make sense And doing this both Partners essentially Become the best version of themselves This is essentially what happened to me Man it's like I had to go through all These ups and downs not knowing and Understanding the Dynamics with my Relationship why every single healthy Relationship turned into a traumatic Relationship it's because it's this is Literally what I learned from Mom and Dad right and I can tell you this the Biggest thing that prevents people from Actually having the time to do this is Their job man it's like when you spend Eight hours a day nine hours a day ten Hours a day working you don't have time To communicate with your loved ones you Don't you know like you can't you don't Have the luxury to go to do this and Because of that you just find yourself Drinking and watching TV and eating Foods that's unhealthy for you and Sleeping and not making sweet love it's

Because you don't have the time and Money and location freedom and if you Need help with that check out the links Below if you want to start an e-commerce Business like what I did check it out Link below if you want to start a Personal brand like what I did book a Call with us we'll help you if you want To go and find out the best and easiest Way to make moneyline right now check Out the first link in the description

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