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So yeah this is literally how I created One year's worth of Instagram reels in Literally 30 days and it completely Changed my life I mean thousands of Dollars per day in extra Revenue as well As 5 000 followers in a single day now Like most people when you get started in A new traffic platform you don't want to Go and do it like every single time when People are like oh do Instagram reels oh Do tick tocks oh do all these things do Short form content I did not want to go And do it just because I don't know Maybe I was lazy maybe I don't like when Things change maybe I think maybe I'm Just getting old man and I don't want to Go ahead and do the latest thing you Know like when I was younger I never Thought that I would be like that old Guy that would be more conservative and Be like no let's actually not change Things let's keep things all the same But I knew I needed to go ahead and for Example get into things like Instagram Meals get into things like tick tock Because around me people are just Absolutely killing me or killing it with It and I could either be left behind Right and and just kind of kick my butt And just complain later on and regret That I didn't take advantage of the Crazy opportunity of the reels or I Could just get on it and I didn't Realize because you know it's it's the

Reason why I started realizing that I Should really focus on reels and Instagram meals and tick tocks was when I literally had the younger version of Myself he was like this polish guy uh Literally in Bali he came up and he was Just yelling at me he was little yelling Me a younger guy who was kind of like Who I was when I was starting to travel And he's like Mike you're being lazy you Need to go ahead and make Wheels you Need to go ahead and make Instagram Meals you're going to go ahead and be Left behind and you know my old mind was Like oh you know what young little kid I'm just gonna go continue with my YouTube videos but I knew deep down was Right and I was wrong I just didn't want To go and accept the fact that he was Right and I was wrong because maybe I Was older maybe I was more successful Maybe it's because I was more Distinguished but I knew deep down that If I weren't gonna go ahead and adapt to The changing environment in the Marketplace and I would literally just Be left behind in the dirt But the biggest challenge I think when Anyone gets started in Instagram reels Is is just getting started if they've Never done it right so what I did is I Ended up using the same philosophy that I did with YouTube with the exact thing On Instagram because I literally saw

People blowing up left and right for me I saw people go from like 200 Grand a Month to millions of dollars a month Because of short form and I knew that if I did not have an open mind to the short Form content then I would literally miss Out on something that could potentially Change my life so how did I go ahead and Tackle this right because when you ever Get started in anything new you just Don't want to go ahead and do this like I didn't want to go and do this so with Anything with any new goal with anything That you do not have immersion is always Key immersion is always key it doesn't Matter what you want to go and do right It doesn't matter if it's Instagram Reels if it doesn't matter if it's Confidence with women you need to create An immersive period here's an example of This right how I got good at for example Talking to girls was because when I got My heart broken in college I literally Spent 30 days hiring dating coaches Going to Vegas and just talking to a Bunch of people at the club sober right So it took an immersive period of my Time to get out of my insecurities with Women to go ahead and start being Confident What's the exact same thing with Anything new how do I go ahead and start You know for example succeeding in YouTube I committed to 30 days a full

Immersive period where all I focus on Was just YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube there was a moment in time where I literally was publishing three videos A day three videos a day on YouTube Right and I knew with this new goal in Mind something that I wasn't yet Familiar with which is in square miles I Was like you know what I need to go Ahead and just attack this with full Immersiveness right just like craziness So I started looking around at what Everyone else was doing right And the first step that I did is I Needed to break down how much content You want to publish daily for the entire Year so I looked at all the people that Were absolutely killing it all around my Space and they were about average Publishing anywhere from like three to Six a day right three to six a day right Uh with the one guy the one Young Buck That I met in Bali he was publishing About seven tick tocks or short form Content or Instagram meals every single Day so that's exactly how much they were Going in and doing and if you go ahead And do that math 6 times 365 days that's About what like right under 2 000 reels So what most people would have done Would be like oh yeah I'll do six reels A day every single day for the next year And I was like screw that I don't want To do this I don't want to spend all of

My time just making reels every single Day there's times where I just want to Go ahead and peace out and relax and Just kind of disappear from the public Eye so I was like you know what I'm Gonna go ahead and create 2 000 reels in The next 30 to 60 days because then if Worst case scenario this doesn't work All I did was sacrifice a month to two Almost my life but essentially I have a Year's worth of content just imagine That I sacrificed one to two months of My life where essentially I would have a Year's worth of content right so that's Essentially what it is that I would do So To ask myself what would it look like if I were to go ahead and bulk it and and Just do all that years work in like for Example one to two months so the next Thing that people ask me when they're Like wait so you're telling me all the Reels that you're posting on Instagram Right now that was two months ago I was Like yeah all the like if you literally Go to my Instagram all of those reels That I published Months ago I didn't really publish Anything new for for example Instagram Literally months ago you need to Understand that this works if you go out And bulk it so the next question that People ask me is like well how do you Think of all these ideas well here's the

Thing about like the algorithm with Instagram and Tick Tock and all that Stuff now it doesn't really matter about Followers like like the platforms don't Really care about the followers what They care about is can you hit a Relevant topic that is so you know speak Some type of truth that no one else in Your space has talked about it and You're very authentic to who you are That it literally goes ahead and hits The algorithm and just shows it to all The people that are currently interested In that moment because if you look in The past Most algoroms were based off of oh I Followed this person so now I get a Bunch of content now it doesn't matter Now your card to get shown not to just People that follow you but also people That don't follow you as long as they Have a similar interest so how I got Ideas is I was like okay well how can I Create authentic content that is very Authentic to who I am so I could Essentially attract more people that are Just like me that feel the exact same Emotions whenever I go through some Triggers it was very simple every single Day as I was going through life I would Find anything in my day that angered me Anything in my day that I learned Anything my day that pissed me off why Is that because you're already finding

These things to complain about your Friends right to your friends ah you Know it's like this thing happened now I Gotta go and complain my friends oh you Know that like waiter was very late with My food and that's not how you do Service and you're telling your friends Right every single time you complain to Your friends what if that was all just Like uh Tick Tock or a real or or a Content piece of idea oh Mike but this Has nothing to do with my Niche it Doesn't matter you are essentially able To get the first touch point two of the People so then get to know who you are Based off of what you want what you Don't like your likes your dislikes your Interests and your lack of Interest so That's really what I did every single Day I would just go through life When I'm walking when I'm going on dates When I'm going to do boxing when I'm Doing all these things and I'm like what Angers me like what are the little Things in my life Communications with Certain people that piss me off I would Just write it down in my notes write it Down my notes until I would have like 30 Or 60 every single day now what I would Do the following morning is every single Day I would literally just go ahead and Take this camera put it sideways kind of Make it go like this right so it would Record it in like the native form of

Tick tock every single day I would just Talk out of my butt one by one by one Click record for one minute I rant about What I'm freaking angry about and just Like that I would have one reel and Again another one another reel and Another one another real and before you Know it I had 30 to 60 every single day Of new content that could essentially be Reals right so that was like literally What I did the third thing that I ended Up doing was I got all the video files And I handed them over to my editing Team and my social media team right Because they were just overwhelmed like I've never seen anyone do this before Mike you literally created a Year's Worth of freaking content in one month And I was yeah let's just see if it Works best case scenario we make a bunch Of money with this and we go file worst Case scenario I only just sacrificed one Or two months of my life and I still got You know for example my other traffic Sources going to do so it was very low Risk for me for example so I literally Gave them all the reels they were kind Of like overwhelmed so it took me took Them about like 30 days to begin you Know starting to publish it so I gave it To the files all on for example day Zero And then 30 days after they already had Like I guess 60 reels already for Example published so we started just

Starting with like two reels a day with The 2000 pieces of content that I gave Them and just like that it just started Blowing up with the two reels a day so I Was like screw it it was about we Started in October we started publishing Two a day on November and December I was Like screw this star publishing six Today and absolutely completely exploded Right to literally I think it was like Five thousand followers at the peak in The highest day so you can see exactly How exactly how it works so What do you actually do next right Because you can go ahead and do this This is what I did I literally had a Year's worth of content right now just Publishing every single day obviously You need to go ahead and make money from This right you can't just get a bunch of Instagram reels and all that stuff and All these things you need to make money From it so what I ended up doing is I Put a little strategies Link in my bio And essentially I would get on the phone With people who saw my content that Wanted something from me and I would Just ask them what were their biggest Pain points what would they buy for me If they wanted to have me create a Product what would that product actually Look like now just get on the phone get On the phone get on the phone have them Ask me what it is that they wanted for

Me and just like that not only that but When you go out and talk to the people That generally have a pain point you Could go ahead and find out what other More pieces of content that you could go And create because the problem with this In the beginning is I was just only Finding things that angered me all the Things I was going through challenges With dates you know with like for Example people flaking on meetings for For example you know men that you do Business with that wouldn't hold on to The word so I was only creating content Based off of what I was angry about but When you get on the phone with people That are essentially following your are Going to tell you what they're angry About again so you could go and create Content about that and that's how you Never really run out of ideas you Understand that do you understand Content ideas are just people really Complaining and moaning about their Problems and finding other people that Also have similar problems and then Together they're like hey let's go ahead And buy this product or hey let's go Ahead and learn this thing or hey let's Hold hands and hold each other account We'll go ahead and get this result like That's literally all creating content is It's finding people who complain about The exact same things as you and say hey

I have a product oh cool let me go ahead And buy it that's as simple as that So the next thing that I would do again Get on the phone to find out who they Are what they want to buy from you and What their main pain points are this is Huge because the goal isn't just explode On Instagram reels right like who cares Like I have a friend that has millions Of views millions of views on Tick Tock He paid he gets paid zero dollars zero Dollars the point about Instagram is is You want to build an audience and you Want to freaking make money does that Make sense so you got to go and find out What it is that they want to buy the Best way to go ahead and sell them Something is ask them what is it that They want to go ahead and buy it's very Simple people over complicate it the Second one attract people that you would Actually want to hang out with and spend Time with now I think this is my biggest Challenge because it's like before I was Like let me just go ahead and make Videos to go ahead and get a bunch of Views and I would get get a bunch of Views and I would get on the phone I was Like ah I don't know if I necessarily Want to go ahead and you know hang out With this person right but I met this Person and he built this very big Business very very lean and essentially All it is it's a product where

Essentially you go to need people to go Out and hang out and travel around the World together he has about like a Thousand people paying about like 1400 Or two thousand or one thousand dollars A year so this is an idea a simple Business Does a mill a year profit and Essentially every single person that Buys into his program is essentially Someone that he would want to travel With that he'd want to create content With that you want to do business with That adds similar values as him this is What you got to do this is literally Kind of where we're at right now with Instagram meals you are essentially Building your own digital continent with You as a personality with you as the Leader and you're attracting more people That have similar values to you this is Literally the next big opportunity this Is what all the Instagram reels are Moving towards it's you creating content Based off of what's attempting to you Reaching out into the ethers of the Instagram algorithm and pulling the People that are just like you into your Tribe into your community and of course You making money by just building a Tribe and this is essentially the end Goal be goal for anything with Instagram Reels is building your own community of People that have the same you know

Values as you and lastly is you want to Get people that you respect to interview You now this is kind of like the Hack That I Found to go ahead and find more People into your tribe right because Like when you first get started and you Have nobody around you obviously you're Gonna have to go and just start speaking Out of your butt speak about the things That angers you that pisses you off Between you know Fitness to Relationships to money talk about it as Much as possible but essentially what's Going to happen is you're to start Building your own audience now what you Need to do with those audiences is you Need to go ahead and realize that the Questions that the people ask you if you Want to attract more of those people you Just make more of those content and what I knew realized earlier on is what I Deeply desperately wanted Was to attract people that I respect Into my community how do I do that well Understand this the olden days I would Go ahead and go find out where all the Expensive places uh all the events that They would go to and I would have to Spend money and go directly to them but A new thing started happening and I Started asking well if I just listen to Rich people's problems instead of poor People's problems what if I just started Creating content based off of rich

People right why do you think I had this Idea of oh let me go ahead and find out How to go ahead and create you know one Year's worth of Instagram meals in one Month because guess when what I started When I started traveling and meeting all These success people guess what was the Question that they asked me Mike how did You create one year's worth of Instagram Reels in literally one month I don't Have any time I have a six figure Business I have a seven figure business I have an eight-figure business how are You able to get all these content ideas I was like oh what if I go ahead and Create a video just like this attract More people like them into my life Because that's exactly what you want to Go and do like life is so short and what You need to understand is the secret About life isn't actually about money It's not about wealth because money and Financial wealth is probably the most Overvalued form of wealth the thing that Most people deeply crave about is Emotions positive emotions and positive Relationships around them and if you can Use content and your Instagram reels to Essentially attract more people just Like you into your life you can truly Live a very fulfilled life and sometimes The artist is going to go and do that is Literally just getting started right Which is why if you want us to help you

You can literally book a call with me And my team in the link below

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