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**DISCLAIMER** I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment.

The content in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. This is a Youtube video for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, Mike MAY have an ownership interest in them — DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Mike’s videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for Mike Vestil. Any use of other media is by fair-use or license only.

https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.

#passiveincome #makemoneyonline #mikevestil

You have to make your accomplishments Feel effortless or even seem effortless And it was very interesting because Right now about this time I make about 100 Grand a month right the coolest Thing about this is for several months From like April to June of this year I Didn't work at all and for some reason My money was going higher and higher and Higher and higher and higher the income That I built because it's affiliate Marketing it just started compounding And compounding common company and the Funny thing enough is the people that I Surround myself around is it literally Looked like money was coming to me Effortlessly right like I was able to Spend money because I knew that I was Making more in that day that I could Possibly ever spend right and the thing About that when you go ahead and do that Is it literally increases your Attractiveness when it seems like things And opportunities come to your life Effortlessly and when you cultivate that Energy and that Persona the thing about That it turns into a self-fulfilling Prophecy where then more opportunity and More money come your way and that's Literally exactly what's happening right Now

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