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This is how to love a woman.
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Back when I was in high school before I Actually got a girlfriend I remember Hearing all the girls around me that I Thought were very attractive and they Were always constantly complaining about The guys that they were with and you Know in that moment of time I was just Like you know what when I get a Girlfriend I'm gonna become the best Boyfriend in the world right that was Like literally my mind right or even Thinking when I was younger and Mom and Dad were constantly fighting and Mom Would come up to me and said your dad is The reason why we don't have money your Dad is the reason why we're constantly Fighting and arguing and me just Listening to my mom when I was like Younger in in my the back of my mind I Was like okay when I get married and I Have kids I'm gonna become the best Husband ever right and and that was kind Of like my mindset when I was younger When I got into my first relationship Right and I fell deeply in love with This girl right this was now in like High school I told her that I was going To be like the best boyfriend ever which Isn't the best thing you go ahead and do I was gonna love her very very deeply The only downside is is if you're not a Man capable of protecting and providing For somebody if you love a girl deeply And you're not a capable man then you
Won't be respected so I think the worst Thing that you could do is love a girl Deeply without actually being respected Because the moment you love a girl Completely and she doesn't respect you The way that she should you're literally Just wasting your time and this is kind Of the biggest pain point that I had Right I was always afraid to love a girl Fully because every single time I did My high school relationship and my College relationship every single time I Literally put my heart on the table and I love this girl with all of my heart it Always ended up very very very painful Right to like my high school Relationship she ended up getting with Another guy and I was like completely Destroyed I was like why would she go Ahead and do this I was I was the best Boyfriend ever I was always there right And I got jaded with that to the point Where I was like you know what I'm never Gonna I'm not gonna get a girlfriend in College I'm just gonna sleep around with As many girls as possible because this This pain that I felt in high school This love that I had you know she she Hurt me so bad by Sleeping with another Guy while we were together that you know I'm not gonna I'm gonna make sure that This doesn't happen so I'm gonna sleep With as many girls as possible in College and literally orientation week
First week of college man is like I get It I get into the thing and all of us Were going to the beach go ahead and Have fun and have like our little Pre-college fund and all that stuff and I see this beautiful girl and I was like Okay like this is just gonna be you know A fun thing I had my friend throw a Football towards your direction kind of Like in the movie and I pretend to bump Into her right where I accidentally kind Of like tackled her too hard and then When we got up that was essentially the Start of my next relationship where Again I told myself I'm like I'm gonna Love this girl completely I'm gonna be So deeply in love with this girl I'm Gonna provide for her because again this Is just what I thought was right when I Was younger and again because I was in The man worthy of respect in the moment In time every sometime you love a girl Without actually that initial respect You end up getting hurt right which Leaves me a lot of lessons because the Thing that happened after that is I was Afraid to love I was afraid to open up And then I flew to the other Spectrum Where I was just jaded where I couldn't Relax or I couldn't surrender around you Know like for example very feminine Women because I was hurt in the past now There is an art to loving a girl but you First have to become a capable man for a
Woman to love you she needs to know that You are capable understand this for a Woman to love you she needs to know that You are capable for a woman to love you She needs to know that you are capable And that you are a man worthy of respect That you could protect her and you could Provide for her if you love a woman and She does not respect you nor does she See that you are capable you are Literally wasting your time because all It takes is one little disrespect and It's it's literally going to go ahead And end the relationship longer right so If you love a woman who does not respect You you are literally wasting your time And you want to focus on your money and Your Fitness and your network first and Become a man that is worthy of respect Before you even think about giving love To a girl So why was this one of the first major In lessons because if you love a girl And you're not a man worthy of respect The relationship won't last the Relationship won't last if you fully put Your heart in your soul into a girl and You don't have your money right your Fitness right your network right there Is a moment in time where she will begin Disrespecting you it's not her fault It's not her fault many men complain and Blame oh this woman cheated on me oh This woman went and talked to another
Guy all this woman doesn't respect me But ask yourself are you man worthy of Respect look at the body would you Respect yourself do you even respect Yourself look at your friends are they Respectable people look how you look Like without your clothes look at Yourself naked would you respect Yourself right would you do you have Money are you are you are you providing Do you have the video going to provide Women are very smart creatures they Understand that okay if I'm gonna go Ahead and spread my legs and have this Guy maybe accidentally give me a baby Will I be okay will I be safe will I be Able to go ahead and spend most of my Time you know caring for the baby like What we did in the olden days or well I Actually have to go ahead and work and Struggle and stress right so if you want To fully love a girl and you want to Fully give your heart and the girl and You're afraid of getting hurt because You did in the past you got to ask Yourself well are you worthy of love Like I know it's hard to go out and say But like for example for a man to Actually feel love he needs to be Respected for a man to feel love he Needs to be respective you could give as Much love as you can to a woman but if The woman doesn't respect you you will Never actually feel the love back and if
The woman doesn't respect you it's not Her fault it's because are you a man Worthy of respect you know the thing About women is women have value because Of their beauty right you could see it In in ancient times just a woman because She was beautiful she had value men have No value when we first get started we Have to build our value every one of us Starts off as pawns and we need to go Through some blood and Agony and fear And pain to get to the other side before We could actually become any peace that It is that we want right and you've got To go ahead and realize that right so I Realized before I could fully love a Girl I had to focus on myself I have to Go to make money right so after you know The the relationship I had in college When it ended up horribly right because I loved and loved and loved and loved And loved but as I loved more I was more Disrespected it's because it's not our Fault it was like I loved without Actually having anything to provide I Didn't have the money right I didn't Have friends that respected me I didn't Have my fitness right I was drinking all The time I wasn't going anywhere in life So for a period of time what I did is I Just focused on myself man I took a One-way trip ticket to Thailand and I Just figured out my life I found a way To make money online I got to the point
Where I was making six figures a year Write profits I was able to go and just Spend it right and I just focused on Myself I focus on making my money right I focused on building a better Personality I focus on getting my body Right I focus on getting a better Personality I focus on creating a Stronger Network and I focus on becoming A man worth respected right because I Cannot love a woman until I fully Respect myself and no one will ever Respect you unless you actually respect Yourself And that is the first step before you Can fully truly love a woman you need to Go ahead and for example you need to go Ahead and become a man worthy respect The second thing is you need to bring Her into your reality not the other way Around if you truly want to go ahead and Love a girl and you want to go to Respect you you need to bring her into Your reality your reality needs to be Better than her present reality the Reason why when I fully loved a girl When I was in my high school years or College Years was because we weren't Going into my reality we were going into Our reality we're going to her reality We are going into a reality where she Was leading and I was just following why Because this is what I learned from my Parents right my mom would lead and my
Dad would follow and for some reason the More my mom led the more my dad followed The more anger my mom got but because You fall in love with what is familiar Not with what is healthy I just thought That was the exact same thing oh when I'm in a relationship happy wife happy Life have the girl lead and I'll just Follow but the more the woman LED and The more that I followed the more angry That she got and I just couldn't put two Two together well you know I watched all These movies and in the movies this is How they fell in love or oh you know I Don't want to make my girl Angry so I'll Just do everything that is that she said And before you know it she's leading She's creating the reality and I'm Falling into a reality right and that's What happened with my mom and dad and it Didn't make them happy it didn't make Them happy at all at all my mom fell in Love with my dad because my dad was Leading and he had all aspects of his Life good when my dad lost a bunch of Money and my mom moved to America she Led the relationship starting from there The moment my death also relate lost a Bunch of money and my mom moved to America and my dad followed that's Literally when he lost I would if you Would frame right if that would make Sense so I did that over and over and Over over again I would go ahead and get
Into the woman's reality when what I Should have been doing was first Becoming a capable of man becoming a Respectable man building an amazing Reality for myself And then bring the girl in right because If your reality is not better than hers Why would you go ahead and get into your Reality right why why and if she doesn't Want to be in your reality more than she Wants to be in her reality then where Does her respect come from where does Respect come from this is why the most Important thing that you need to go Ahead and do in a relationship is before You actually get in a relationship and Love a woman you need to learn how to Respect yourself how you respect Yourself is you put yourself out there Into the Wilderness and come back like Stronger like I did you need to throw Yourself into the wolves and you need to Come back leading the pack instead of Getting eaten alive does that make sense Now the moment you actually bring her Into your reality you essentially need To become a shaman and a psychologist What do I actually mean by this okay so When I was younger you know I literally Took one-way trip to Thailand and after That I went to Nevada for four years in Bali I went down like a very deep deep Spiritual spiritual spiritual path where Essentially I realize the reason why
None of my relationships in the past was Essentially working was because of the Trauma that I experienced when I was Like younger with my mom and dad and it Doesn't matter if you have good parents Or bad parents I had the best parents Ever but every single child on how they Interpret interpreted their childhood Will experience some type of trauma and It's that trauma that they bring in into The next relationship in the next Relationship and the next relationship And they never figure it out so what I Essentially did is I had to go ahead and go to all these Psychologists and spirituality gurus and All that stuff and essentially what all Of them told me is essentially find out The habits that you were learning from Your parents that cause their pain and Stop going in and doing that right so Essentially what like they would have me Do I remember like getting a bunch of Like Tantra people around me and Spiritual people around me and I'm like Sitting on this freaking pillow and I'm Like in my 20s right this popped up I'm Like in my 20s I'm like this is weird I'm gonna Surround me is in their 40s and 50s why Am I freaking here I'm so glad and happy That I did this when I was younger Because most people don't actually Figure this out until it's too late
Right and I'm like sitting here I'm the Youngest person here I'm like how the Heck did I end up here I'm like 23 at This time and everyone's like crying About their mommy and daddy issues and I'm like okay maybe there's something Here because the worst thing that I Could ever do is not like realize that I Have a pain point until it's too late Like many of these people are in their 40s and 50s and 60s crying and I'm like Okay I don't want to end up like that Maybe I should just do this exercise Maybe I shouldn't judge and maybe I Should just sit here and just do this Right so they had me go ahead and sit Literally on a pillow and on the other Side of the pillow they had me imagine The parent that I was angry with the Most it could be your mother or father And essentially what they had me do is As I closed my eyes they wanted me to go Out and yell at this parent in front of Me On all the things that I was angry about When I was younger all the things that I Was too afraid to tell them when I was Younger all the things that I was angry About on how they didn't love me a Certain way that I wanted or how they Weren't there for me in a certain way or Why they were constantly fighting about Each other or why they caused so much Pain for each other why they caused so
Much pain for me this is weird when you First do this man so it's a very Revealing to go ahead and see someone That literally created you and for you To full out scream and yell at this Person because you're always afraid You're afraid of what they might think You're afraid of hurting them you're Afraid of disrespecting them you're Afraid of for example doing all these Things And because that you shove it deep Inside you and you bring it out in the Next relationships right so I remember Being very very weirded out in the Beginning I was like this is freaking Weird why am I hearing Bali man what are All these spiritual weirdo vegans around Me doing I don't want to kind of do this I'm like I'm mad I'm not supposed to go Ahead and you know for example do all These things but I realized that there Was a pain point there that I was Bringing every single one of my Relationships right so Essentially what I did is I'm like Seeing mom and dad I put one person in The pill at a time and I'm just like Screaming at all the things I was angry About all the things that I was angry About all that anger all that anger that I didn't Direct in a healthy manner that I shoved deep inside and once I fully Let that through right I don't feel
Masculine saying this but like there was A point where I was freaking crying man I was crying I was like why why I'm a Man I'm not supposed to be crying right And After that what happened was that anger Turned into sadness turned into Understanding then turning to gratitude And that gratitude from my parents I was Like so deep I'm so grateful that I'm Graded like I I'm so grateful that I'm Able to be grateful for my parents while They're alive because I see so many People out there that are mourning and Regretting their parents when they're Gone because they're regretting the fact That they couldn't tell them that they Loved them they couldn't that they're Regretting all the things that they Never said to them while they were alive Right and I'm so glad that I went Through this experience in my early 20s Because I just realized just how hard They had it how hard they had it like Literally being Filipino immigrants in America having me and my sister having No money and literally going ahead and Growing and I have like all this Gratitude for my parents and then I Started realizing that the reason why They fought all this time was because They just didn't know how to communicate Under all this stress and I realized That I was adopting the exact same
Behavior when I was under stress with For example the partners that I would be In the past and when I would fully love A woman it would be hard it would be Easy when everything was good like when You love a woman it's easy when Everything is good but it's a lot harder To love a woman when things are bad and You guys are arguing when you guys are Fighting and I realize my mental model That I learned from Mom and Dad is when Things are hard in a relationship you Yell and scream and fight when this Isn't a healthy thing and I started Learning well I'm adopting this from my Parents when my parents did this it Worsened the relationship so I'm why am I adopting this behavior and it took me Understanding and then being grateful For my parents for me to understand this So once I did this for myself guess what I did to my lover guess what I did to The woman that I'd be seeing I would do The exact same thing man I'll do the Exact same thing to her Because this is exactly what is also Going to go ahead and for example like Ruin the relationship if you're not Aware of it because when you have two People you have two different Upbringings you have two different Traumatic experiences and now they rub What is familiar what is painful in the Past into what is loving and close to
With each other right that's why every Single beautiful relationship you Probably had ended up very bad because You had trouble with your mom and dad You didn't know how to communicate she Also had trauma that you didn't know had And went and communicated right so you Want to go ahead and do that And you need to go ahead and get to the Point where you're able to go ahead and Heal it for her kind of like how you Heal it for yourself you understand that Many of the behaviors that she's Bringing up isn't actually her and you It's what she learned from her parents And this is what I do constantly it's Like baby you got to go and journal About your mom and dad why are you angry About them why are you angry about them You're bringing a lot of that into us Right I would do the exact same like for Example spiritual meditation with them And I'm like okay sit on the pillow here Your mom and your dad they're in front Of you tell them all the things that you Were angry about that you're too afraid Because you were pressed it when you Were younger and she's like hitting on The pillow a little bit shy and I'm just Like behind her holding space and then As she gets more confident she's like Yelling and screaming yelling and Screaming because many women are afraid Man many women are afraid to express
Their emotions especially in front of The man because every single time they Express their emotions in the past they Were immediately confronted with anger And yelling and sometimes violence right And many women are just very afraid to Just like let all their emotions go the Thing that most men don't understand is Women are emotional creatures if they're Not going to allow themselves to express Their emotions and they repress it press Repress it it's going to come out in Your relationship it's going to come out In your the argument it's going to come Out when you keep the pill when you it's Going to come out when you go ahead and Drop the toilet seat she's going to Start being Furious she's not pissed off At the toilet seat she's pissed off and Some emotional repression that she Repressed months years decades ago right So I'll do the exact same thing now my Girls are crying and crying and crying And crying and all these things that She's angry about like her mom and dad And as she's releasing it and as she's Releasing it and as she's releasing it She just gets lighter and lighter and Lighter and more delicate and more Feminine and all these things all these Repressed anger and rage that she had It's becoming less and less and less and Less to the point where I saw her go Through the same path it started off
With anger then it started off with Sadness Seeing the reason why her parents were Like that understanding that she was Adopting the same patterns as her Parents and then it turned into Understanding and then gratitude and Then as she's like crying and like in my Arms and I'm like holding her and I'm Like telling I'm so proud of you like You're so beautiful you know like I'm Here for you you're safe all these Things The next thing that we ended up doing is I'm like now imagine your younger self Imagine who you were before you felt the Pain from your mom and dad when you were Three four or five now she's sitting in Front of you what does she look like is She a little shy she's a little shy Isn't she a little baby girl right she's Smiling at you she's waving at you and You would see like the tears turn into Like this little smile and this this Very innocent playfulness Giggle and It's like such a beautiful feminine Thing and then I'm like what do you want To tell her what do you want to tell This this this younger you that you know Your mom or dad never told you that you Wish they told you how do you want to Give this younger self love that you Never experienced when you were younger And she's like talking to her younger
Self and it was like the most beautiful Thing ever and I'm just like holding her And she's crying and smiling and such a Beautiful experience and when she was Able to go and heal that right We got closer we literally got closer Right and this is exactly how you got to Go ahead and love a women right you need To understand that she has like trauma As well you have trauma as well you Ought to go ahead and deal with it so You don't bring it into your next Relationship right And after that what you need to go ahead And do is the next step is you need to Call her out the moment she disrespects You you like like in order to feel love As a man you need to be respected first And in order for a woman to respect you She needs to know when you are being Disrespected right and you could Actually see it you don't be afraid to Calling her out when she becomes Ungrateful or disrespectful this is why You know some of the best relationships Come from when the woman is from a Religious background because even Something as simple as for example the Bible in the Quran right so Islam right They say I was shown the Hellfire and That the majority of it dwellers were Women who were ungrateful so imagine you Know you for example being in a Relationship with a woman where ever
Since she was in her childhood she was Literally told the fact that I was shown The Hellfire and that the majority of Its dwellers were women who are Ungrateful or Christianity right in Christianity you literally for example Have Adam and literally from Adam you Had Eve created from ribs so Eve was an Extension of Adam and they were living a Great life they were living a great life Until Eve the woman got tempted by the Snake where Temptation comes in to the Home through the snake towards the woman And then the woman started leading the Relationship and then now Adam and the Woman Adam and Eve are now banished from The Garden of Eden right it's very very Interesting and if you look deeper into Like religious texts they even have Someone like Lilith who Lilith was Adam's first wife who wasn't made from His rib but he she was made from like Equal grounding right and essentially What happened with Lilith is she was Essentially the first feminist and she He turned into a demon and was banished Into hell right so imagine just like Marrying a woman or dating a woman or Loving a woman where essentially she was She was taught that her entire life Right and the thing about what you need To understand right is you like need to Go ahead and call her out whenever she Disrespects you you don't do it meanly
You don't do it with yelling or arguing But understand this for you to love a Woman you have to be willing to fully Love her fully but for her to feel the Love fully she needs to be willing to Respect you if you love a woman who Doesn't respect you you're just wasting Your time because for a woman to feel Loved she needs to feel safe for a man To feel love he needs to feel respected This is why if you want to go and fully Love a woman you need to protect her you Need to provide for you don't freaking Split the bill you literally protect her Because she could literally be the Future mother of her child and she needs To spend most of her time raising that Child and loving and carrying the home Instead of her worrying and stressing About the bills and if you really want To fully be loved by a woman you need to Be respected by the woman which is is Why when the woman disrespects you guess What you don't do you don't just like Say Yes dear you don't just say happy Wife happy life you have to go and call Her out right I will love my woman fully I will fully You know for example respect her in all Aspects of life I will be honest with Her I will be there for her I will go Ahead and protect and provide and make Sure that she feels safe at all times But the moment I'm disrespected I will
Not tolerate it I will not tolerate Understand this for a woman to feel Loved she needs to feel safe and secure In the relationship for the man to feel Love he needs to be respected in the Relationship and it's as simple as that If your relationship isn't working out It's because one of those are off it's Either your demanding respect when she Doesn't feel safe it's either your Demanding I mess up I'm going to keep on Going and going this if you don't feel Love in the relationship it's because She isn't feeling safe and secure in Your relationship because you're not Providing if you don't feel love it's Because you are not feeling respected by Her if one of those things are off the Entire relation goes off but obviously What is able for me to go out and fully Love A Woman by making sure she's safe And secure is being financially free Myself is having time money and location Freedom so that no matter what happens I Can always make sure that the family Unit is safe and if you want to find out Exactly how we're able to go and do this Then check it out in the links below if You want to start an e-commerce business Check out the third link if you want to Go inside a personal brand book a call With me and my team and we'll help Launch your personal brand or help scale Your personal brand if you want to go
Ahead and find the fast way to make Money line with AI and artificial Intelligence check out the first link Below