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This is a step by step tutorial on how to reframe your negative thoughts
**DISCLAIMER** I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment.
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I'm stupid what if I fail I'm thirsty Money is the root of all evil she Probably has a boyfriend what if you Fail and all of your friends think You're crazy and dumb why why are all Why was it not actually serving me [Music] How many times in a day do you find Yourself thinking negative thoughts how Many times in the day where even if You're sleeping and you're laying on the Bed and you're in the middle of night You're looking up at the ceiling and all That fills your mind are just negative Thoughts what if the person that I'm With doesn't love me what if I can't Make money what if I don't deserve the Things that is that I want what if no One loves me what if I I what if this is The life that I'm gonna live what if I'll never become someone what if you Know I was just meant to live this life And you see other people and you see Them living their life and you're like Oh that could never be me I can never go Ahead and do that money is the root of All evil mom and dad are fighting right No one loves me I'm not worthy of Success I don't deserve money all of These things How many times in a middle day or even In the evening do you find yourself Thinking these right these are negative Thoughts and I can remember thinking
About this the first time right I Remember when I was younger and I wanted To succeed right but I didn't know that I had to go ahead and control my Thoughts I was just a foreign concept Someone told me Mike you have to control Your thoughts and I remember in college When I was just drinking and partying And smoking every single week I was like What do you mean my thoughts I had no Idea like all I was like when I look Back in my old life in my old mind in my Old paradigm I just didn't I can't even Associate with that anymore because all I could think about was girls gym girls Gym girls gym girls gym I was Unconscious I was just kind of going Down the path because everyone else was Making decisions for me oh when I was Younger Mike you have to become a doctor Dentist lawyer nurse why because we're Asian and you're gonna go ahead and for Example bring joy to our family all Right cool uh Mike you have to go to College why because everyone else is Going to college and we want to be proud Of you because our friends their kids Are going to college we want that Diploma Mike I want to be proud of you You have to go to college okay okay you Have to go ahead and drink and smoke and Party why because that's what you do When you're going when you want to be Cool in college so you have to drink and
Smoke and party and before you know it Every single decision that I was making Was unconscious was unconscious as if I Was nothing but an animal Going from stimulus from stimulus from Stimulus running away from Pain running Towards pleasure I couldn't actually Control my mind and I remember one day I Had a mentor once told me he's like Mike You literally got to go ahead and Observe your thoughts I was like what do You mean thoughts well he's like you Know when you read a book and when You're reading a book sometimes you read Out loud and you could hear that voice In your head but when you hear that Voice in your head your mouth doesn't Move and you hear that voice like yeah That voice is constantly talking to you Even if you don't even realize it what Do you mean well he's like every single Aspect that you have in life is just Based from your thoughts the reason why You are saying for example like wanting To go ahead and get stronger right Because I just wanted to care about the Gym it's because there's a thought in Your brain thinking like well I'm Unconfident so I need to get stronger I'm unconfident so I need to get Stronger I'm still that weak little kid When I was younger it's getting a little Asian kid that was like still being made Fun of for being so skinny that I need
To go ahead and for example get stronger So now I have to go to the gym and get Stronger and no girl's gonna like me Because when I was younger I was skinny And no girls like skinny guys so I need To go ahead and get stronger because if I get a six-pack then maybe I can get a Girl to go ahead and like me and he was Essentially telling me that that is that Chatter that's literally what is going On in the back of my mind no matter how Can actually hear it it's kind of like Right now if you literally listen to This video And you listen just in the the the Spaces in between my words and you start Being present in for example what's in Your room you start noticing that you Actually hear the sound of a fan or Maybe a little buzzing noise over the Air conditioning system or the vents Like for example for me I can just now Hear that the events that I just now Hear in my room right and and that's Just running in the background saying How right now you probably hear the Events in the room or maybe kind of like A buzzing noise or maybe some type of You know mosquito flying you you are now Aware of it but that thing is always Running in the back of your mind right Though your your voice and the thoughts That you have in the back of your mind Is running kind of like how the air
Conditioning systems is just slowly Letting air out and now you can hear it Just because you're aware of it right But the problem most people is they're Not aware of their thoughts so they let Their negative thinking kind of like run Their entire life they let their Negative thinking run their entire life Because they're not observing it they Don't understand it I didn't realize That this is literally how I was running Like an animal oh you know I need to go Ahead and eat because I'm hungry oh that Girl's pretty I need to go ahead and Fornicate oh I need to go out and drink Because those people are cool and I want To be a part of their tribe and you just Start going and going and going like a Freaking animal I remember one day he Was like just observe your thoughts and I was like what are you talking about Like at any given moment in the day just To observe what thoughts that you Actually think about so I remember I'm Just like sitting in the gym I'm like in My crappy Honda Civic you know the roof Was kind of like peeling out or the Little fabric that was like on the roof I'm just sitting right before I'm Heading into my gym right because I was About to go ahead and get into the job That I was working at the gym as a Summer camp counselor my friends And I remember just I was like okay
Thinking really hard I'm like apparently There's thoughts apparently there's Thoughts in my brain I have to think About it and as I'm like trying to think About it I just hear a voice I'm stupid I remember I kind of got shocked I was Like who the hell said that that voice Inside my head I'm stupid it's funny Because he sounded just like me But yet why did he just say that when no One else is around me right and then I Was just walking and walking I was like Kind of weirded out and then uh as I'm Walking to go to the gym there's just Like I'm thirsty I just hear that I'm Thirsty so then I literally went and got To the drinking fondant and drank some Water and and I started hearing that Over and over and over and over again When I would see a pretty girl and I Would see her and the first thing I Would think of she probably has a Boyfriend Why why does that why why are all the Negative thinkings that I had in my head Why was it why was it not actually Serving me or say I wanted to start a Business at this time because I started Realizing that I was actually in a lot More pain than I did I started becoming More conscious in my thoughts and and I Started a business and before I even Started it it was just like what if I Fail
Or what if you fail and your parents Think you're stupid or what if you fail And all of your friends think you're Crazy and dumb and now you're a loser Because you failed like all these things Were just running my mind The moment I actually understood that That's when I understood how to reframe The negative thinking so let's actually Go ahead and talk about all this because The first thing you need to understand Is you need to understand the Dark Side Of negative thinking if you do not Understand that your thoughts become Things and you don't like the things That you have around you that the Dark Side of negative thinking is you will Create the life that you do not want at All because you are actually creating it In your mind here's the thing you can't Create a positive life with a negative Mindset but the problem with most people Is you have a negative mind you Literally have a negative mind if you Look in the mirror and you are fat if You look at your friends and they are Losers if you look at your bank account And you have no money it is because you Are thinking negatively you have a Negative relationship with money you Have a negative relationship with Friends you have a negative relationship With family members I was on a call with A guy yesterday and he was trying so
Hard to make money so hard to make money But the root thought that he would Always think of every single day is Money is the root of all evil money is The root of all evil money is the root Of all evil so for six years For six years he didn't focus on chasing Money and guess what's happening he's Running out of his savings he has a Family and now they're going to struggle They're going to struggle to the point Where he can finally get to a deep Enough pain point where that pain point Of actually not having food on the table Is more painful than the pain of money Is the root of all evil So thinking is very very very very very Very very very dangerous if you do it The wrong way because you will only find Out when it's too late you'll probably Find out when you're in your 40s and Your 50s and your 60s you'll find out When you're in your 70s right and the Problem with most people is they don't Think that far ahead they just think in That moment because at the end of the Day we're nothing but animals we're Nothing about going from one similar to Another all this feels good let's do This all of that doesn't feel good I Don't want to do that again You need to understand that your Thinking will literally create a Beautiful life in the future or a
Horrible life in the future right so Another thing that you need to go ahead And do is ask yourself well who taught You these negative thoughts mom or dad Is it worth to adopt the thoughts that They have and what pain did it actually Cause them So as I started deeping and Diving Deeper and deeper and deeper into these Negative thinking I was like where did These come from because when you see a Baby they're just like Google gaga They're just like happy and Blissful and They pee and they poo and everyone loves Them And they just laugh for no reason like There's so much innocence in a child There's so much innocence when you were A child there's so much happiness and Gratitude and love and happiness and Everything just freaking loves you just Because you're just peeing and pooing And everything's just fine right for Some reason there became an age where You started adopting other people's Thoughts why because that's just what You learn we learn from things oh Mom And Dad did this so I need to go and do This oh mom and dad fight like this so I Need to go and do this oh Mom and Dad Have this relationship with money so I Need to have this relationship with Money And I just understood this because when
I was younger guess what I had money is The root of all evil money doesn't grow On trees you work really really hard Until you Retire And many guys when you went and actually Finished that sentence in your head you You probably said die I'm gonna go work Really really hard until I die so you Probably were programmed kind of like From my parents as well Weird how that works right and I Realized I was adopting all these Thoughts from my parents these parents These thoughts were my they weren't my Own every single negative thought that You have about money and health and Success and love and happiness every Single negative thought was adopted from Your parents when you were younger Because what was your parents Relationship with money what was your Parents relationship with each other What was your parents relationship with Love what was your parents relationships With health you learn all of your Negative attributes and your negative Thinking from your parents and when you Understand that a lot of your negative Thinking was based from your parents you Then asked yourself well why am I Thinking them because if you look at Your parents life and you realize that They don't have you know the love that
You want they don't have the life that You want they don't have the money that You want they don't have the Relationships that you want they don't Have the passion that you desperately Want deep inside Then why are you adopting their thoughts Because if you adopt someone's thoughts You create the reality if you adopt Someone like Michael Jordan's thoughts On how he became the best basketball Player of all time you will adopt his Work ethic and that work ethic will Eventually give you some type of skill In any Endeavor of life right but then You've got to ask yourself well why am I Thinking my parents thoughts because if You haven't changed the way your parents Think it doesn't matter how much you're Running away from them you will become Your parents I didn't know this at the Time But in all the most painful situations That I had in all previous relations That I had is because I was becoming my Parents I was becoming my father I was becoming My mother instead of me bringing out the Best qualities that I learned from them I only brought out the worst qualities I Learned from them and before I knew it Every single relationship that I had Didn't end well because of the fact that I was adopting all the negative thoughts
That my parents had instead of the Positive thoughts that my parents had Right the third one is you need to Remove it at its core your friends or Your family this is not gonna be popular Advice but when everyone else around me Was negative even Mom and Dad guess what I had to do I had to leave I had to leave your mom and dad they Love you so much but they do not know What's best for you they only know how To make sure you are safe in their mind They think you're still that Six-year-old 10 year old 12 year old kid That cannot take uh responsibility for Itself and because of that that is why You have a lack of confidence is because You've been babyed around by Mom and Dad For a long period of time because all They want to do is nurture you all they Want to do is care for you but you've Never stood on your own two feet and if You've never had the ability to stand on Your own two feet how do you actually Have the ability to grow So at some moments in time sometimes you Have to actually let go of your parents It's going to be hard it's gonna be Painful oh but you know they're they're Getting older they'll be okay but maybe For one year or two year be a little bit Selfish and go out there and figure out Who you are get off of your parents's Home leave the nest right in the olden
Days we would go ahead and have like Trials and tribulations to leave the Family right essentially what would Happen is the men would go ahead and Leave the mother and the father so the Man can become his own man so he's not Living in the dogma of his mom and his Father and their thinking but instead he Becomes his own being we don't have that Anymore we don't have rights of passages So what happens you know as the boys Slowly become a man they start realizing That Mom and Dad are still babying them And the man never become stronger I Literally have people in in my life That I used to talk to in their 30s They're still living at home with Mom And Dad and they're wondering why they Can't actually start a business why they Can't actually go ahead and you know Find a good girl to go ahead and marry Right Why Because the fact that like they never Became adults they were still kids They're still you know living at home Right I know I had to go ahead and leave I knew I had to go in and leave I had to Become my own man the only way I could Go ahead and become my own man was to Separate myself from my parents's Environment because it doesn't matter What you think you literally become what You think about the most and I remember
I was making a lot of money a lot of Money but I was still living at home With Mom and Dad right because I was Afraid what if all this money goes away What if all this money goes away I'm Just sitting at home and I remember I'm Like working moms just like shoving rice In my mouth because I was intermittent Fasting and she was like Bunga super Filipino banga I'm so worried you are Going to die of starvation I'm like no Mom I'm intermittent fasting this is a Thing I don't have to eat until I Actually deserve it so I knew I had to Leave because it's very hard to become a Warrior when Mom is shoving rice in your Mouth every single day right The fourth one is separating and Changing your identity so understand This the thoughts that you have is Because you've adopted an identity That was given to you the identity that You have isn't the identity that you Chose but the identity that was given to You from for your for first your mother Then your father then a teacher And all the other people in your life That also all were unhappy and you were Now adapting this identity from people That are just unhappy so what you need To understand is you need to separate Yourself from all those anchors in life And you need to create a new identity How I created a new identity was very
Simple I wrote down all the things that I wanted out of life I wanted a good Love life I wanted to go ahead and for Example travel around the world I wanted To be confident I wanted to go ahead and For example make a bunch of money I Wanted to be a leader amongst men I Wanted to inspire people But instead of writing down the things That I wanted I realized well who do I Need to become to actually deserve it Because you don't get out of life what You want you get out of life who you are And the person that it is that you Become and you become that person by Saying how you order whatever you want On the fast food menu at McDonald's you Need to know who exactly is the person That is that you wanted for me I needed To realize well who are the people in The qualities that they have that I want To become like I remember when I was Younger and I'll just sit and imagine Before I knew what meditation was I Imagine all the heroes that I had that I Truly respected and they had a certain Quality and a characteristic that I did Not possess but I knew that that Characteristic allowed them to create Success in dating in business in Relationships in health and fitness and I knew if I wanted something that I did Not have I had to adopt and steal their Beliefs about life
Who's the belief that I just you know Learned from somebody else imagine what It would be if you had the belief of I Only pick up the phone if it actually Makes me money I only pick up the phone if it makes me Money if you only pick up the phone when It makes you money then you're gonna Figure out that you're gonna not pick up The phone a lot when everyone else is Complaining at you when you have your Friends hey hey I want to go ahead and Drink at the party or go to the bars or The clubs or Mom and Dad are like Complaining about certain things if you Only have that frame of I only pick up That phone when I go to make money You're gonna start saving so much time That was a frame that I adopted from Something that was very very very very Successful right another frame that I Adopted from some of those very Successful is at any given moment I Could die so why not at any given moment I could die so why not some of the most Successful people that I know constantly They imagine that there's a sword above Their head dangled by a little string at Any given moment that little string Could break and you could die Imagine so much intensity that you would Have if at any given moment you realize That you could go ahead and die you'd Probably not be afraid to do certain
Things right you need to start adopting Certain identities from other people and The only way to go ahead and do that is Spending more time around them So that's literally what I do what are The things that I'm liking if I want to Get better and have a better identity at Fighting guess what I would spend time With people that are having the identity Of fighting if I wanted to have an Identity of making more money I'll Probably spend only time with people That have the identity of money is easy If I want to get into the best shape of My life I probably won't hang out with People that are obese and overweight I'll probably hang out with people that Actually are in a good health because I Will literally adopt their mindset and Their way of thinking and my identity Will literally like osmosis become them Does that make sense but you have to Also understand exactly what it is that You want so the fifth thing that you Need to go and do is you need to write Down the person that you actually want To become like right so after I wrote This down I was like okay I wrote down All the beliefs I was like I am a leader Amongst men I do good in the world I Give more value than I take I constantly listen to people that have The results that I want I humble myself when someone above me
Gives me results even if they're younger Than me if they give me advice even if They're younger than me all these ways Of thinking I was writing them down Writing them down and every single day I Was like okay well I don't have these Beliefs yet I don't have these thoughts Yet but all the negativity I need to Replace it with this I can tell you some of the thoughts that I constantly think about on a daily Basis it's like wow I'm the most Luckiest person in the world Wow I'm so grateful to go ahead and be Alive wow how amazing it is that I get To do the things that I love every Single day wow this these people are Teaching me so much I'm so blessed to go Ahead and learn from these people that I Respect so deeply right this is Literally what I constantly think of now Every single day I essentially replaced The thoughts that I did not like with Better thoughts and guess what happened I naturally became in better shape I Naturally started attracting better People into my life in dating and in Business I naturally became a person More respected in certain communities It's because I started adopting these Behaviors the sixth thing is you want to Spend time with these people that think Like this So understand this you will become your
Environment when I first moved to Bali I Was hanging around with all vegans so Guess what happened I became a vegan and Then guess what I only started hanging Around carnivores so I only became a Carnivore and then I started only Hanging around people that did Jiu Jitsu So I only did Jiu Jitsu and then I Started realizing huh every single time I'm in a certain Social Circle I become That Social Circle and then said realize Well if I really want to go and grow Well who are the things that I want out Of life and what do I actually need and One of the things that I really Desperately wanted was I wanted to be Around people that not only had the Money but also the relationships because Every single person that I knew that had Money the relationships completely Sucked man like the relationships Completely sucked I was on a boat with a Billionaire and the billionaire was like Hey guys I actually have to go home Because wife says I have to be home by 6 Pm he has money but he also has a Bedtime How ridiculous is that or how come every Single person that has amazing dating Life or an amazing love life they have No money So I was realizing no matter what Circle That I would be I would always like the Other so I realized okay I need to spend
Time with people that have both who has People who has who are the people that Have a good dating life and who are the People that have good money because if I Can hang around those people how Naturally be better I'll naturally be Better and the funny thing is the people That already had those two in place Guess what else they had they had Fitness I started realizing I was spending so Much time with people that only had one So I was constantly just kind of like Spinning a bunch of plates like I'd only Spend time with people that had good Money but they had bad diets or I'd Spend time with people that had good Diets but it had no money and I had no Mental model people that could actually Push me to grow your identity is easily Created your way of thinking is easily Created by the people around you if Everyone else around you was thinking Like like the best thoughts possible Then it's almost easy for you to go Ahead and do it because now social Pressure Works in your favor does it Make sense the seventh one that you need To go and do is create new reference Experiences and anchors that give you More examples of being that new person This means new locations New Friends New Beginnings so every single time I wanted To adopt a new personality and grow and
Create more of a new identity guess what I just moved I literally moved right I Had that identity of being a college Student right so guess what I did I left My college down and then I had the Identity of making like literally a lot Of money but I lived at home with my and Dad I didn't like that identity so I Moved to Thailand In Thailand I had this homeless Backpacker life where essentially I was Living off of 200 a month for for Example my apartment and all the Expenses maybe ten dollars a day right I Had the broke Backpacker identity right And then guess where I moved I moved to Bali in Bali I became this spiritual Person and I'm like meditating and and Crying and Howling into the the moon Every single day and doing all the Spirituality and dancing at the beach Right and I was like okay I need to go Ahead and change this identity so I Literally moved to the other side of the World and I started traveling I started Living out of hotels and then I didn't Like that identity for a bit so then I Found a place and I just settled down And then again what's gonna happen is I'm going to go ahead and move to Another place every single time you move Locations you give yourself the ability To create yourself a new identity that Is why if you do not like who you are
Right now the best thing you can go Ahead and do is leave the best thing you Could go ahead and do to leave and what Allowed me to go and leave was time Money and location Freedom if you want To know the fastest way to create that Check out the links below if you want to Start an e-commerce business check out The third link below if you want to go Ahead and for example build a personal Brand and you want me to help you and We'll work together to build your Personal brand doesn't matter if you're Already succeeding or if you're just Getting started book a call with me and My team to see exactly how we could go And help you and if you want to just Know how to create passive income and Find the best and fast and easiest way To create passive income check out the First link in the link below [Music] Everything [Music]