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https://soundcloud.com/daniel-jacobsen-andreas/gryffin-illenium-feel-good-danez-remix-1 licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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Here's why you need friends that are Better than you so I always have this Problem especially when I was like Younger is I always wanted to be the Best person out of my friend group I Wanted to be the coolest maybe it was Like this ego thing maybe it's because I Sucked as a kid maybe it's because you Know I was shy and nervous and I didn't Feel like I was enough when I was Younger so I was like oh I wanted to Prove the world that I'm the coolest out Of my friends then I started realizing That it was very hard for me to grow Because as I would grow up a Social Circle I looked around and I was like Well now I'm the coolest person here and I would just like kind of Coach when it Changes when you're around people that Are savages like right now I literally Spend time with people that are so much Smarter than me people that are better Fighters than me people that are more Charismatic than me people that make More money than me people that are just Overall smarter than me and sometimes I Like just realizing that sometimes I Think am I actually the stupidest person Out of all of my friends and it's like An exciting feeling because it allows You to realize that that means I'm just Gonna be growing really really fast does That make sense so all I really do is Whenever I now make friends I try to be
The dumbest person in the room in a Specific category in life because that Means I'm in the right room and I'll Grow there faster